Valui mushrooms: how to cook them deliciously

Among lovers of "quiet hunting" valui mushrooms are not very popular. Few people know how to cook them, but everyone is aware that they have a pronounced bitterness that spoils the finished dish with terrible force. However, those who know how to overcome the taste peculiarities of valui collect it willingly and assure that, properly prepared, it is not inferior to other, beloved and revered, brethren.

Value specifics

The mushroom grows quite large, has a smooth, slightly slimy cap, which in youth looks like a fist. With age, it straightens and takes the form of a concave disk, which often grows to 15 cm in diameter. In addition to bitter pulp, valui can "boast" a specific, not very pleasant smell, similar to the aroma of rancid butter. In addition, mushrooms often turn out to be wormy, and in adults the leg becomes fragile and crumbles even with a light touch. It would seem that you should not pay attention to valui mushrooms: it’s not clear how to cook, running into a worm is easy, they smell, they are bitter ... However, they also have pleasant features: the cap is dense, and remains so even after processing. The only condition: to collect only young specimens of the so-called cams.

Valui-mushroom: how to salt with a hot method

Salting is the most popular and correct way to process a goby. In this form, it may well compete with mushrooms and mushrooms, and some like it even more than these. First you need to thoroughly rinse the valui mushrooms. How to cook them - peeled or not - is debatable, but most cooks are inclined to think that the skin from the hats should be removed. What's more, it slides off without any problems. Mushrooms are boiled; after boiling, at least a quarter of an hour should pass, during which time the notorious bitterness will go away. When the valui have cooled down, they are folded into an opaque bowl (for example, into an enameled pan) and sprinkled with coarse salt, an approximate amount - one and a half glasses per 10-liter container. A load is placed on top of the rammed piles flush with the edges; under its weight, bitter juice will flow through the top. From time to time, to get oxygen inside, you need to pierce the mushrooms to the bottom. When the juice stops flowing, the oppression is removed, spices are placed on top (for example, blackcurrant leaves, horseradish and dill), the pan is covered with a cloth and left for 40 days. After the valui, they are packed together with herbs in sterile jars and hidden in the basement.

Cold salting

There is another way to preserve the valu-mushroom. We have already figured out how to salt in a hot way, now let's consider a cold one. The prey is washed and filled with cool water for at least two days. At least three times a day, it changes - thus the bitterness is washed away. Then the water is completely drained, the valui are sprinkled with salt (about 50 grams per kilo of mushrooms), and left for 2 months. Next - the layout of sterile jars and hiding in the underground.

Pickled mushrooms

This processing method also gives excellent results. Before marinating valui mushrooms, they are soaked as in cold pickling, then boiled for about a third of an hour and washed. The marinade is cooked: one and a half tablespoons of coarse salt are taken per liter of water, the same amount of sugar is boiled. Valui are boiled in brine for twenty minutes; before turning off, pour in the essence of vinegar (the same one and a half tablespoons per liter of marinade). Peas and allspice, laurel, mustard in seeds and cloves are laid out in jars, after which mushrooms with brine are laid out. Roll up, turn over and wrap until naturally cooled.

mushroom caviar

Unfortunately, when there are valui mushrooms on hand, recipes are not encouraging with a special variety. Salting, pickling - the main ways to cook them deliciously. An alternative could be caviar, which from the value is simply delicious. You can make it not only from fresh, but also from previously salted or pickled mushrooms. Fresh ones are soaked in the manner described above, after cooling, minced meat is made from them, which is sent to the pan for onion frying. Together they will be stewed for fifteen minutes; you can flavor the caviar at your discretion.

Don't ignore the valui mushrooms! How to cook a variety of goodies from them, we told. It remains only to try and make sure that this mushroom is not at all junk.