Plasticine in kindergarten consultation on the topic. Plasticinography for the development of children's creative abilities and its types Open lesson plasticinography fgos middle group

Not so long ago, decorative and applied art was enriched by another technique - plasticinography. The new type of drawing has become an integral part of classes with preschoolers in kindergarten, as well as in elementary school. What is it?

Plasticine, as you might guess from the name, is drawing with plasticine. The basis for the picture can be cardboard or another fairly hard horizontal surface.

The created objects have a more or less pronounced relief, and other materials can also be used as decor: grains, beads, cereals and others. As you can see, plasticineography combines the most favorite types of creativity among kids: drawing and modeling.

Features of technology

From an early age, children: they know how to roll it in their hands, forming primitive shapes and connecting them together. Plasticinography expands the possibilities: the child learns to smear, flatten, pull and roll. A malleable material like clay is the perfect tool for the little creator.

It is very important that the teacher closely follows the children's fingers, teaching them the correct techniques. For example, when smearing plasticine, you should move in a certain direction: from left to right and from top to bottom. You need to work only with the pad of a tense finger, making sure that it does not bend.

Acquaintance with plasticineography for kids begins with simple and unpretentious plots. Small children love bright colors, and therefore the themes are perfect for the first lessons: "Sun", "Rainbow", "Seven-color flower".

Drawing with plasticine is useful!

What working with plasticine plays a huge role in the development of the childis not an exaggeration! See how much plasticinography classes with younger preschoolers can bring:

  • fine motor skills, eyes and tactile senses develop;
  • cognitive activity is realized;
  • the child's vocabulary is enriched;
  • sensory abilities develop;
  • acquaintance with the surrounding world occurs;
  • aesthetic taste is formed;
  • you are given the opportunity to express your emotions.

All these positive aspects contribute to the wonderful, because the child's pens become more obedient, which makes it easier to master the writing skills.

Lesson plan and learning steps

Classes of plasticine in kindergarten can be carried out already in the younger group - from the age of 3, starting from the basics and gradually complicating the tasks.

Learning the technique of drawing with plasticine consists of three main stages:

  1. Training in the technique of pressure (small balls of plasticine roll and press against the cardboard base with finger pressure).
  2. Learning how to smear (small pieces of plasticine are smeared over the base).
  3. A combination of pressure and smear techniques.

Lesson plan with preschoolers:

  1. In the introductory part of the lesson, an emotional mood is set - a character or a plot is played out.
  2. The main part is the process of creating the picture itself: the kids sit down at their workplaces and listen to the teacher who explains the drawing technique to them. During the practical lesson, a little gymnastics is carried out for tired fingers.
  3. In the final part, the teacher not only summarizes, but also allows the children to demonstrate their creations.

The complexity of the composition depends on the age of the child and on his experience in this type of technique. Older children love to draw animals, actively use aids and materials.

Nowadays, plasticineography is becoming more and more popular in kindergarten. This is not only pleasant leisure, but also a whole area of \u200b\u200bcreativity, which has its own types and techniques. It is gaining more and more attention from teachers, since it allows you to solve many developmental and educational tasks in the process of playing. But it is especially important that the child has the opportunity to make a wonderful work of art with his own hands.

Plasticineography as an unconventional way to combine modeling and drawing

You can draw in different ways. Today, non-traditional techniques are popular among preschool teachers: drawing with fingertips, palms, prints of objects, blotting, plasticineography.

The child's mind is at his fingertips.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

On the one hand, the child is involved in a fascinating process, but at the same time, many nerve endings on the tips of the fingers and the surface of the palms transmit signals to the brain, activating its activity. When little hands tear a paper napkin, learn to roll a ball of dough, feel materials or show a magpie-crow, information enters the brain and is distributed to various centers (auditory, visual, mental, emotional and speech).

Plasticine is an unconventional drawing method using plasticine. Activities with plastic material are taught to children at an early age. Sculpting trains the fingers and activates the brain-related sensors on the hand, helping to relieve muscle and emotional tension. Modeling classes develop not only dexterity and coordination of hands, but also creative imagination.

Creating a painting using this technique is a new level of working with plasticine, which can become art.

True works of art are created in the technique of plasticinography

Using techniques, methods and techniques in working with preschoolers

Pure plasticineography is available for children of the middle and senior groups of the kindergarten. Young children learn basic skills and abilities during short-term individual or subgroup lessons.

It is important for the educator to remember that in groups of younger and middle preschool age, this type of creativity is aimed not so much at the result as at getting positive emotions, developing interest in children and the desire to improve skills.

For the lesson to be enjoyable, the materials must be of high quality, and the tools must be comfortable. Paper is suitable for the basis of the future plasticine painting, but thick cardboard, plastic, plexiglass or ordinary glass is preferable. Plasticine must be non-greasy, otherwise stains will appear on the paper or cardboard base, and the work will look untidy. Choose a bright and pliable sculpting material.

From the tools you will need a modeling board (you can replace it with a piece of plastic or oilcloth), a plastic rolling pin for rolling out plasticine, a set of stacks, scissors, various devices for creating patterns on a plasticine surface (brushes, a pastry syringe, a strainer, a plastic fork).

Plasticinography teaching methods:

  • visual (showing samples of work, illustrations on the topic, observing the actions of the teacher);
  • verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  • practical (exercises with material, practicing techniques, game actions, experimentation).

The techniques used in plasticineography are already partially familiar to children from modeling lessons. This is rolling and rolling, flattening and stretching, that is, the usual actions with a piece of plasticine to give it the required shape. But there are also some techniques here: pinching, smearing, indenting, smoothing, mixing colors. The teacher pays special attention to mastering them.

Plasticineography tasks from nursery and second junior to preparatory groups

  1. Developing. Techniques for working with plasticine develop dexterity of the fingers, prepare the brush for writing. The ability to correctly perceive composition and scale is improved.
  2. Cognitive. Pupils get acquainted with a new type of fine art, comprehend the interaction of two different techniques - application and modeling, the basics of which they have already mastered.
  3. Aesthetic. Children develop a sense of color and shape. The first experiments are carried out with the combination of shades and materials.
  4. Educational . Children are taught to be independent, assiduous, patient and accurate, experience is gained in working in a team. Depending on the topic, love for the native land is brought up, the ability to see and protect the beauty of nature, a benevolent, grateful attitude towards relatives and friends, love for pets, etc.

The skills and abilities of children are getting more complicated from year to year. The main directions of work with preschoolers are also changing.

  1. In the first junior group of preschool educational institutions, children learn to make elements from plasticine, one lesson - one element (ball, cylinder, sausage); create images of simple objects; master the techniques of pinching and smearing, develop the basics of the ability to work according to a given pattern.
  2. In children of the second youngest group, it is important to develop the ability to draw with plasticine, to bring up independence (the child does not repeat after the teacher, but learns to build the composition himself). Sub-group training begins.
  3. In the middle group, skills in working with plasticine and creating more complex images are honed; children are taught to create works using a variety of materials (cereals, beads, buttons, etc.); interest in teamwork develops.
  4. For older and preparatory groups, the complication and development of the plot-game concept of the lesson is characteristic; development of speech activity of pupils in the process of creating plasticine images; learning how to create a collective work of artistic value.

Types of drawing with plasticine in kindergarten

Plasticine can be divided into several types, starting from the material that is taken as the basis of the picture. Works are performed on paper, cardboard, plastic, ordinary or organic glass.

Thick cardboard is often deformed, but simple and easy to work with. Plastic and glass bases are convenient when applying the material (they will not bend or wrinkle), but to avoid cuts, be sure to give safety instructions and teach children to seal the edges of the base with tape, or do it yourself first.

According to the method of creating an image, plasticineography is:

  • Direct Performed with plasticine of different colors. In the first junior group, these can be vegetables, winter snowfall, leaves.
  • In the second junior group, children will willingly perform bright works on the theme "Dishes for dolls", "Fish", "Mushroom". In the middle group, the plot and outline are much more complicated: vehicles, trees, houses.
  • Stained glass or reverse. The contour of the image applied with a marker on the glass base is filled with plasticine.
  • Mosaic. Plasticine balls of different colors are applied to the base in accordance with the concept.
  • Contour. This type of work is recommended for pupils of the senior and preparatory groups, because it requires perseverance. Heated plasticine flagella of different colors must be squeezed out of the syringe (without a needle) and filled in the contour with them.
  • Multilayer. Plasticine is applied to the base with strokes in several layers, various colors and shades of the material are combined, a voluminous, complex image is obtained.

How to warm up the material: roll out some of the plasticine into a sausage, push it into the syringe. We cut off the excess material with a stack. We close the syringe with a plunger and heat its contents with water or a microwave.

Photo gallery: types of plasticinography depending on the method of application

The contours in the first junior group are painted over with plasticine "Fish" is performed in the 2nd junior group The work of the pupil of the middle group is made as a "Gift for dad". Rybka »Multilayer technique is very picturesque and allows you to convey the colors of wildlife

Difficulty level of crafts

Children in each age group have a different level of ability. For harmonious work and positive emotions, this point must be taken into account.

Table: the level of abilities of children of different ages

Age groupPlasticine skillsForm of workType of work
Nurserypossession of the skills of rolling, rolling, flattening, joining elementsindividualcreation by pattern
The second
honing the skills acquired in the nursery group,
mastering more complex skills: pinching, pulling, cutting, smoothing,
work with simple tools: stacks, scissors
individualcreation by sample,
doing such
Averagehoning skills acquired in early age groups,
mastering the technique of mixing plasticine of various colors,
work with more complex tools: brushes, curly shapes, a syringe (ordinary without a needle or pastry with a variety of attachments)
work in subgroups
doing something like that,
self-planning composition
Olderthe use of waste material is added,
combination of elements of various types of plasticinography
work in subgroups,
independent choice of materials,
thinking through the composition,
attraction of plot and game elements
Preparatoryacquaintance with new techniques (bas-relief, tiles),
training in the design of the finished work (frame, baguette, background, mat)
work in subgroups,
independent choice of materials and type of work,
thinking through the composition,
combination of various techniques of fine art,
mandatory use of plot and game elements

Photo gallery: samples of works by children of different age groups

Image of a flower in direct technique (first junior group) "Daisies" made by children of the second junior group Children of the middle group can do the composition "Cosmos" Work of children of the older group Beautiful gift for Mother's Day (preparatory group)

We plan plasticinography classes in kindergarten

For a teacher, art classes are an opportunity to create a connection between art and different areas of knowledge. The creative process integrates the development of speech, patriotic, labor and environmental education. Therefore, topics are selected so that they reflect the diversity of the surrounding world and correspond to socially significant events that occur in the nearest time to the lesson, or the season. For example, it is advisable to plan a patriotic theme in November, for the Day of National Unity, making flowers, treats will be appropriate for Mother's Day.

Approximate topics of classes with children of middle preschool age

  1. "Apples and berries on a plate."
  2. "Bugs in a flower bed".
  3. "Mushrooms".
  4. "The sun in the clouds."
  5. Rowan twig.
  6. "Autumn tree".
  7. "Fish".
  8. "Christmas tree".
  9. "Christmas decorations".
  10. "Snowman".
  11. "Snow woman - frantija".
  12. "Teremok".
  13. "Owl".
  14. "Merry Rocket".
  15. "A gift for dad (grandfather)."
  16. "Pie for Mom".
  17. "Flower - seven-flower".
  18. "White birch".
  19. "Space".
  20. "Starry sky".
  21. "Easter Egg".
  22. "Lily of the valley".
  23. "A snail on a leaf."
  24. "Dandelion"

In the preparatory group, the topics "My homeland", "My family", "Underwater kingdom", "Autumn fairy tale", "Winter-winter brought us fun" should be introduced. "Round dance at the tree". They are more voluminous in content and require good preparation of children. You can also plan the image of painted dishes and various items of clothing, folk toys, for example, Dymkovo toys, a human body in motion.

Children of the seventh year of life are sometimes able to create real masterpieces, if you give their imagination room.

Photo gallery: works of children of middle and senior preschool age on the theme "Hedgehog", "Peacock", "Rowan branch", "Clown", "Flowers" and others

"Hedgehog" Colorful image of a peacock On a wonderful tree we see signs of all seasons. Collective work "Underwater World" The funny bear is made using the brushstroke technique Mosaic plasticinography "New Year's ball" Original Christmas tree decorations in mixed technique "Chrysanthemums" "Grandmother Yaga's hut" Painted Easter eggs "Rowan branch" "Funny clowns" "Flag of Russia"

Caregiver templates

Templates, the contour of which must be filled with plasticine of different colors, are suitable for direct and more complex types of plasticine.

Photo gallery: templates featuring fruits, vegetables and animals

Template "Ladybug" Template "Hedgehog" Template "Puppy" Template "Bullfinch" Template "Cat" Template "Vegetables and fruits"

Photo gallery: templates for clothes and dishes

Template "Jug" Template for painting "Gzhel" Template "Teapot" Template "Cup" Template "Pan" Template "Pants" Template "Sweater" Template "Jacket" Template "Fur coat" Template "Skirt" Template elegant dress Template clothing for dolls

Photo Gallery: Transport and Human Shapes Templates

Truck template Ambulance template Taxi template Steamer template Ship template Helicopter template Airplane template Train engine template
Pattern "Figures of people" Pattern "Clown" Pattern "Little people" Pattern "Children" Pattern "Man in motion"

It is also interesting to work with templates on cardboard with a ready-made background. The paths are filled with colored material.

Photo gallery: animal templates with ready-made background

Lion pattern Beetle pattern Grasshopper pattern Dragonfly pattern
Stegosaurus Pattern
Pterolactyl Pattern
Dinosaur Pattern
Piglet pattern
Rooster pattern
Pattern "Ostrich"

Description of the content of the summary of the GCD on plasticinography for the nursery group "Kolobok" by the author Potekaeva N.G.

  • Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale "Kolobok", examining illustrations for it, coloring the coloring pages based on the fairy tale "Kolobok".
  • Form of work: subgroup (6-7 people).
  • Objectives: teaching the techniques of rolling, attaching, pinching off; development of the coordinated work of both hands; teamwork training.

Course of the lesson

Organization of a project or circle on plasticinography

You can diversify the forms of working with children in drawing with plasticine using project and hobby activities. In the first case, the educator has the opportunity to approach children more deeply and systematically with this wonderful art form, in the second - to expand the range of topics and additional materials used.

Stages of project preparation

  1. Purpose: the formation of creative thinking of pupils of the preschool educational institution using the technique of plasticinography.
  2. Tasks:
    • learning how to perform simple elements in a given technique;
    • training in the creation of objects of the surrounding world in an artistic form;
    • learning to work in a given space;
    • development of spatial thinking;
    • development of aesthetic taste;
    • mastering the basics of design;
    • education of perseverance, accuracy, patience;
    • attraction to work in a team.
  3. Drawing up detailed planning:
    • preparatory stage of work;
    • attracting motivating material at the beginning of project activities;
    • if possible, timed the implementation of the project to a significant event in the life of the kindergarten (Mother's Day, Autumn Festival, New Year, Victory Day, Cosmonautics Day).
  4. Implementation of project activities.
  5. Project presentation. When the project is finished, then it can be shown (to another group, in the lobby of the kindergarten, in the assembly hall at a party). Children talk about their work to listeners who appreciate their work.

Description of the project "Gifts of Autumn"

  1. Purpose: to prepare creative work for the Autumn Festival in kindergarten.
  2. Tasks:
    • honing the skills of working with plasticine;
    • development of aesthetic taste;
    • artistic reproduction of objects of the surrounding world;
    • training in group work.
  3. The pupils are divided into subgroups, they independently distribute responsibilities for creating individual parts of the composition: drawing mushrooms with plasticine, creating tree trunks in contouring technique, using mosaic technique to depict berries and animals, using methods of working with scissors and stacks to create volumetric elements.
  4. Presentation of work at the Autumn Festival in the assembly hall (with musical accompaniment and reading of poems).

Photo gallery: collective work of children of the preparatory group for the "Autumn" project

"Autumn trees" "Children in the autumn park" "Autumn in the forest" "Plasticine autumn"

Literature and tips for creating a mug

Before developing a work program for the circle, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the methodological manuals for working with preschoolers in this technique:

  • G.N. Davydov. Plasticineography for kids. - Scriptorium, 2003.
  • Shnitskaya I.O.Application from plasticine D.: Phoenix, 2008.
  • Yanushko E. A. Modeling with young children (1-3 years old). Methodological guide for educators and parents. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2006.

For self-education, it will be useful for a teacher to familiarize himself with the manuals for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children:

  • Anischenkova E. S. Finger gymnastics for the development of speech in preschoolers. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2006.
  • Bolshakova S.E., Formation of fine motor skills of hands: Games and exercises, Moscow: TC Sphere, 2009.
  • Koltsova M.M.Motor activity and development of the child's brain functions. - M .: Pedagogy, 1973 .-- P. 144.
  • Pavlova L. The meaning of the development of hand actions. Preschool education. 1984, no. 1.
  • Tsvyntarny V. V. We play with fingers and develop speech. - SPb .: Hardford, 1996.

The circle program takes into account:

  • age characteristics of children who will be engaged in the circle;
  • forms of conducting classes;
  • methods and techniques that the teacher will use;
  • means (materials and tools for creativity, attraction of ICT and technical means);
  • occupation mode;
  • the projected results to be achieved during program execution;
  • topics of classes.

Fragments from the program of the circle for drawing with plasticine for the older group

  • It is recommended to involve information computer technologies. This is necessary to show working diagrams, illustrative examples, images of works of art. Viewing such material develops the imagination and creative thinking of the pupils.
  • For preschoolers, visual-figurative thinking prevails, therefore presentations and video materials stimulate emotionally rich work with plasticine.
  • Mode of study of the circle: for children of the older group (5-6 years old), classes are held in the afternoon, twice a week. The duration of the lesson is 25-30 minutes.
  • Work on drawing with plasticine is carried out in several stages, at each of which different tasks are set for the child.

Program monitoring reflects the level of skills at the beginning of the school year and what the children learned at the end. For each child there is a table showing the level of skills in working with plasticine and modeling tools, the ability to follow the teacher's recommendations, the level of development of creative thinking, independence in building a composition and developing a creative idea.

Plasticine drawing videos

We bring to your attention video materials about different plasticinography techniques.

Video: "Fish in an aquarium" from plasticine

Video: master class on contour drawing with plasticine

Video: aquarium - a craft with plasticine in a combination of plasticineography and modeling on a plane

Video: we draw an autumn forest with plasticine

In plasticinography classes, children work with different materials and tools, develop fine motor skills and train their hand to write. This art form introduces the original use of materials and opens up a new perspective on household items and natural objects. Preschoolers improve their speech skills and enjoy communication in a team.

A lesson in plasticine: Let's decorate the doll's dress.


Teach children to decorate a dress using the plasticine technique.


1. Teach children to independently pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a piece and roll them into balls with a diameter of 5-7 mm.

2. Continue teaching children to use several colors of plasticine in their work.

3. Continue teaching to attach "peas" at a distance from each other.

5. To support in children the desire to bring the matter to the end, following the play motivation of the lesson.

Speech task: Fix color names - red, yellow, green, blue. To consolidate the use in speech of nouns with a generalizing meaning: clothing.

Course of the lesson:

A doll (flat) came to visit the children. We invite the children to introduce her to the dolls of our group.

While dating, the doll praises the dolls' smart clothes. She says she wants to have such pretty dresses too. The teacher invites the children to help the doll. She shows the children the blanks of the dress prepared in advance and offers to decorate them with colored peas and present them to the doll. The children agree.

Children sit down at tables. On them blanks of dresses, plasticine are laid out in advance.

Before you start decorating dresses, we will prepare your fingers.

Finger game:Sewing machine

I spin the wheel

The hands are clenched and rotated.

The needle moves quickly.

On a sewing machine cleverly

We knock our fingers on the table

I learned to sew myself.

Hands out

Educator: Now look at the tables and tell me, how are we going to “draw” the peas?

Children: Plasticine.

Educator: Show with your finger where we will draw the peas.

Children show.

Educator: See how many peas are on the dress?

Children: A lot.

Educator: We will draw a lot of peas too.

What color are we going to paint the peas?

Children: Red, blue ...

Educator: And now all together with me we will begin to draw (explanation and demonstration, individual help to children) We took all the plasticine.

Katya, what color did you take the plasticine? Misha, what color did you take the plasticine?

They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put it on a dress, pressed the ball with a finger. Look what a pea we got!

Children's work.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher invites the children to consider the resulting work. We draw attention to what beautiful dresses with multicolored polka dots we have turned out, how glad the doll is to her new outfits. The doll tries on its new outfits, praises the children.

Decoration of the exhibition of works.

Plasticinography lesson: "A chicken came out to walk on fresh grass to pinch ..."


Teach children to draw "weed" using the technique of plasticineography.


1. Teach children the technique of smearing, that is, pressing the rolled ball with the index finger and pulling it up to get an image of the grass.

2. We continue to teach children to independently pinch small pieces of plasticine from a piece.

4. Foster a desire to work independently.

Speech task: To activate the speech of children: co-co-co, pee-pee, chicken, chickens, green grass, walking.

Course of the lesson:

We draw the attention of children to the chicken.

Educator: Look guys, what a beautiful chicken came to us. And who is this pee-pee-peep?

Children: Chickens!

We show pictures on which chickens are drawn.

Educator: That's right, the hen brought her chick children with her! Is it just something they squeak so plaintively? Let's ask the chicken's mom what happened?

It turns out that the hen went out with its chickens for a walk, nibbling fresh grass ... But there is no grass! Let's help the chickens by drawing some grass for them.

Children: Come on.

Children sit at tables on which blank pictures (images of chickens) and plasticine are laid out in advance.

Before we start to “draw” the grass, we will prepare our fingers.

Finger game:

The chicken went out for a walk, nibble fresh grass (clenching, unclenching hands)
And behind her, the guys are yellow chickens (we go with our fingers on the table, like legs)
Co-co-co, co-co-co, don't go far! (shaking a finger)
Paddle with your paws (we rake in handles),look for the grains (pecking grains with our fingers)
Ate a fat beetle, an earthworm (stroking tummies)
We drank a full trough of water (we spread our arms to the side).

Educator: Now look at the tables and tell me, how are we going to draw the weed?

Children: Plasticine.

Educator: Show me with your finger where are we going to draw the weed?

Children show.

Educator: What color are we going to paint the grass?

Children: Green.


We took all the green plasticine. They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put it next to the chicken, pressed the rolled ball with a finger and spread it up.

Outcome: We invite children to consider the resulting work. We draw attention to what thick grass we have turned out, how happy the hen and chickens are, we praise the children.

Decoration of the exhibition of works.

Plasticinography lesson: Leaf fall.


Teach children to draw autumn leaves using the plasticine technique.


1. To teach a technique - smearing (in different directions).

2. We continue to teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine on their own.

3. Continue teaching children to use several colors of plasticine in their work.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

5. To educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine.

Speech task: Enrichment of the dictionary: leaf fall, curly, cloudy, rainy.

Dictionary activation: yellow, green, red, leaves, leaf fall.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look what a beautiful bouquet of autumn leaves I brought you.

  • Leaves used to grow on trees, but autumn came, it became cold and rainy outside, and leaves began to fall from the trees. On a walk, you and I often observe how the leaves come off the twigs and, whirling beautifully, fall to the ground. What is the name of this autumn phenomenon?
  • Correctly. Leaf fall.

To the musical composition of P. Tchaikovsky “October. Autumn song ”from the album“ Seasons ”scattering leaves.

Educator: Leaves fall, fall

Leaf fall in our garden

Red, yellow leaves

They wind in the wind, fly.

Educator: See what kind of leaf fall we got.

We invite the children to pick up the leaves, we ask what color they are.

Educator: Let's draw a leaf fall with you and give it to mothers!

Children sit at tables on which images of silhouettes of trees and plasticine are laid out in advance.

Educator: Before you start "drawing" the fall of leaves, we will prepare your fingers.

Finger game:

We are leaves -2 times(squeeze, unclench your palms)

We are autumn leaves

We were hanging on a tree

The wind blew uuuuuuuu flew(smooth hand movements)

We flew 2 times

And they fell under the tree.

Educator: Now look at the tables and tell me, how are we going to draw the leaves?

Children: Plasticine.

Educator: Show me with your finger where are we going to draw the leaves?Children show.

Educator: What color will we paint the leaves?

Children: Red, yellow.

Educator: And now we will all start drawing together with me (explanation and demonstration, individual help for children). We took plasticine.

Ira, what color did you take the plasticine? Petya, what color did you take the plasticine?

They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put the resulting ball on the branches of a tree, pressed the rolled ball with a finger and smeared it.

While working, we help children using the hand-in-hand technique.

Outcome: We invite the children to consider the resulting work. We draw attention to what a beautiful, multi-colored leaf fall we got, to the color of the leaves, we praise the children.

Decoration of the exhibition of works.

Classes on plasticine: "Fur coat" for hedgehogs.

Purpose: To teach children to convey the image of a hedgehog using the technique of plasticineography.


1. Teach children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from the main piece.

2. Continue teaching to smear “needles” in a confined space.

3. cultivate responsiveness

Preliminary work:On the eve, a conversation is held with the children about the hedgehog. Where he lives. What a hedgehog has. Why does a hedgehog need needles.

We draw the attention of children to some sounds that are heard in the basket.

Educator: Guys, listen, what are these sounds? Who came to us there.

Educator: We get it out of the basket ... He lives in a dense forest, he himself is round and prickly. Guess who it is? Well, of course, this is (showing) ...hedgehog.

Educator: Lera who is this ... Katya who is this ...

Yes, it's a hedgehog! What a prickly coat he has! How many needles grow on the back of a hedgehog! Feel his needles (children touch the hedgehog).

Educator: Touch carefully, do not prick! The hedgehog's needles are long, sharp! Petya, what kind of needles does a hedgehog have? And what color are the needles?Do you know why a hedgehog needs a lot of needles there? Protects these hedgehog needles from enemies. The wolf will want to offend him, and he will prick him with needles, the wolf will run away!We draw the attention of the children to the fact that there is someone else in the basket.

Educator: Guys, it turns out that the hedgehog came to visit us not alone, but with his hedgehog friends.We take out the pictures.

Educator: Guys, look, do these hedgehogs have thorny coats? (needles grow on the back?)Children: No

Educator: With what or how will they defend themselves from enemies? Let's help the hedgehogs, "draw" needles for them.

We invite children to sit at the tables.

Educator: Let's get our pens ready for “drawing”. Warm up for hands:

Little hedgehog froze

And curled up into a ball

The sun of the hedgehog warmed

The hedgehog turned around

Educator: Look, how are we going to “draw” needles for a hedgehog?

Children: Plasticine.

Educator : Well done, now look at the hedgehog, and show me with your finger where the hedgehog's back is, where we will “draw” the needles. And what color will we draw the needles for the hedgehog?

We draw the attention of children to the easel, on which the teacher's hedgehog blank is attached.

Educator: I also have a hedgehog, and together with you I will draw needles for him.

They all took a piece of black plasticine. With the other hand, they pinched off a small piece of plasticine. We press it on the back of the hedgehog and spread it.

The teacher shows all his actions on the easel. During the performance of the work, the educator provides individual assistance to children. Using hand in hand or repeated verbal explanation.

Educator: What wonderful hedgehogs we have turned out. Bring them all to me.

Educator: On a dry forest path, top-to-top feet stamp, walks, wanders along the paths, a gray hedgehog all in needles ...Children bring hedgehogs, the teacher attaches them to the stand.

Educator: Guys, what did we do with you?

Children: We drew needles for hedgehogs.

Educator: See how the hedgehogs rejoice at their new thorny coats. Well done guys, they tried, they drew. Now they are not afraid of more than one enemy.

Plasticinography lesson: "Like a cat's mustache of amazing beauty ..."


Teach children to draw a mustache for a cat using the plasticine technique.


1. Teach children to smear plasticine balls from right to left and from left to right, creating images of the cat's “whiskers”.

2. Continue teaching children to work in a given space.

5. Make children feel kind to animals.

Speech task: Encourage the use of words for body parts. Use diminutive forms of the noun.

Course of the lesson:

We draw the attention of children to the fact that somewhere someone is meowing.

Educator: Children listen, who is meowing?Children: Kitten.

Educator: Let's call a kitten!Children: Kitten-kitty-kitten.

Educator: Who is this? Children: Kitten.

Together with the teacher, the children examine the kitten (fur, ears, tail, paws, eyes). We pay special attention to mustache.

Like our cat

The coat is very good.

Like a cat's mustache

Amazing beauty.

Educator: Guys, the kitten wants to give us all his portraits.

(We show pictures with the image of a cat). Look - there is something missing in the portrait. What did the artist forget to draw?Children: Mustache.

Educator: Guys, let's draw a mustache for the cat.Children: Come on.

Children sit down at tables. On the tables, blanks of paintings (image of a cat) plasticine are laid out in advance. Before we start drawing the mustache, we will prepare the fingers.

Finger game:

On the palm of your hand along the path,
There is a small cat.(fingers go on the table)
Into little paws
She hid the scratches.
(squeeze open the jaws)
If he suddenly wants
Claws sharpen.
(scrubbing on the table)
Tsap-scratch (squeeze open the jaws)

Educator: Now look at the tables and tell me, how are we going to draw a mustache for a cat?

Children: Plasticine.

Educator: What color are we going to paint the mustache?Children: Black. Educator: Show with your finger where we will draw a mustache for the cat.

Children show.

Educator: Show with your finger how we will draw the mustache. (Show the movement with your finger).

And now we will all start drawing together with me (explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).Educator: They took all the black plasticine.

They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put it on the kitten's face, pressed the ball with a finger and smeared it to the side.

Children's work.

Outcome: We invite the children to consider the resulting work. We draw attention to what all the kittens have a mustache of amazing beauty! The cat praises all children for such a mustache. Leaves his portraits and goes home. Decoration of the exhibition of works.

Plasticineography lesson: Bouquet for mom.


Teach children to create a bouquet for mom using plasticine technique.


1.To learn to create a composition based on ready-made elements (flowers), pressing them into the silhouette of a flowerpot.

2. To secure the indentation technique.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers

5. To cultivate responsiveness, kindness.

Speech task: Bouquet, flowers, mother's holiday.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Mother's holiday is approaching, March 8. Every mother will be happy with a bouquet of flowers. Let us create beautiful bouquets of flowers and present them to our mothers.

Children: Let's draw the children's attention to the finished sample on the easel.

Educator: I will give mom a fabulous bouquet.

It will stand in a vase for many, many years.

These are the fabulous bouquets we are going to create with you.

Children sit at tables on which they have prepared in advance:

1.A picture of a vase.

2. Plasticine.

3. Pasta, painted in different (basic) colors.

Finger game:

Our scarlet flowers are opening petals.(Squeeze, unclench the fists)

The breeze breathes a little, the breeze sways.(Slowly wiggle your fingers)

Our yellow flowers cover the petals... (Squeeze, unclench the fists)

They fall asleep quietly, shake their heads... (Put your hands down. Circular movements with your hands).

Educator: And now all together with me we will begin to create such a fabulous bouquet. (Explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).

Educator: First we will draw the leaves. What color are the leaves of the flowers?

Children: Green. Educator: Take a piece of green plasticine.

Katya, what color did you take the plasticine? Pavel, what color did you take?

Roll a ball out of it. Put the finished ball over the vase and press on it with your finger, flatten it so that the sheet is fixed on the base.

(Smear it with your finger from the middle to the edges). Here is what we have got a leaf! Let's make another piece of paper. (We make several leaves).

Educator: Now we will attach (press) flowers onto these leaves. Look, you have such beautiful, multi-colored flowers on your tables. We take one flower at a time and press it into the leaves with our fingers. (Children choose the colors themselves).

Outcome: We invite children to consider their work.

Educator : What wonderful bouquets you have turned out! You all tried very hard, your mothers will be very happy!
I came to my mother today.

Congratulations and flowers.
Mom, looking at the bouquet,

She smiled back at me.
And she said that the flowers -

Unprecedented beauty.
These wonderful flowers
I did not tear, did not buy,

I drew them myself.

Classes in plasticine: balls for a kitten.


Teach children to create balls for a kitten using the plasticine technique.


1.To teach children to attach the finished form to a plane by evenly flattening it along the surface of the base.

3. Continue learning how to use multiple colors of plasticine.

4. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

5. To cultivate the skill of accurate work with plasticine.

Speech task: Activation of the speech of children: Kitten, cat, cat, colorful balls, claws, claws-scratches.

Course of the lesson:

Playing with the toy. The kitten plays with a ball.

Educator: Who is it? What is he doing?Children: This is a kitten playing with a ball.

Educator: Do you think he is sad or fun?Children: He's having fun!

Educator: Why is he having fun?Children: He plays with a ball.

Educator: Guys look, and I have other kittens, but they are so sad.

We show pictures with the image of kittens.

Educator: Why do you think they are so sad?Children: They don't have a ball.

Educator: Let's draw and present the kittens with balls to cheer them up!

Children: Come on. Educator:

Gray cat marmoset

We will throw the ball to you

Play with the ball

And don't be bored.

Children sit down at tables.

Before we start drawing balls, we will prepare our fingers.

Finger game:

On the palm of your hand along the path,
There is a small cat.(Fingers go on the table)
Into little paws
She hid the scratches.
(Clench unclench jaws)
If he suddenly wants
Claws sharpen.
(Scratching the table)
Tsap-scratch (squeeze open the jaws)

Examining a variety of balls: colorful, large and small.

Educator: Look at the ball. What shape is it?

Children: Round. Educator: What color?

Children: Red (green, blue, etc.)!

Educator: Today we will draw colorful balls using plasticine.

Explanation and demonstration, individual help for children.

Educator: Take a piece of plasticine of any color.

Olya, what color did you take the plasticine? Vanya, what color did you take the plasticine?

Roll a ball out of it. Put the finished ball next to the kitten and slightly press on it, flatten it so that the ball is fixed on the base.

Plasticinography lesson: "Here is our train, the wheels are knocking ..."



Teach children to create wheels for a train using the plasticine technique.


1.To teach children to attach the finished form on a plane in the right place.

2. Continue teaching children to roll out lumps of plasticine in a circular motion, flatten them between their palms.

4. Having developed the eye, coordination in the "eye-hand" system

5. To cultivate the skills of accurate work with plasticine

Speech task: Activation of the speech of children: steam locomotive, rushing, brilliant.

Course of the lesson:

Pay attention to toys: bunny, chanterelle, etc.

Educator: Look guys, what sad toys we have today.

Let's ask them what happened?Children: Come on.

Educator: It turns out that they were about to take a train to the village, and the train broke down! Guys, can we help our toys? Can we fix the train?Children: We can!

Pay attention to the easel, where the image of the train is attached.

Educator: Guys, look, what's broken on the train?Children: Wheels.

Educator: Yes, look, the trailers have no wheels. The trailers need to make new wheels!

Children sit down at tables.

Let's get our fingers ready for work.

Finger game:

The train rushes and whistles
Yes knocking wheels:

I'm knocking, knocking, knocking, I'll finish everyone to the dacha!(slaps with relaxed hands on the table)

Chug-chuh-chug!(Hands are bent at the elbows, fists are clenched, rotational movements of the hands)

I will finish everyone to the dacha !!(slaps with relaxed hands on the table).

Educator: Today we will draw wheels with the help of plasticine.

Examining the wheels.

Educator: Look at the wheel, what shape?Children: Round. Educator: And what color? Children: Black. Educator: How many wheels does the train have?Children: A lot.

(Second year of study: complication - we attach red wheels to red trailers, blue wheels to blue trailers, etc.)

Educator: And now all together with me we will begin to "fix the wheels of the train" (explanation and demonstration, individual help for children)

Educator: Take a piece of plasticine. Olya, what color did you take the plasticine? Vanya, what color did you take the plasticine? Roll a ball out of it. Flatten the resulting ball between your palms.Children's work.

Educator: See how round the wheel is.Now we will approach the train and attach this wheel to the trailer. Upon completion of the work, invites the children to examine it.

Steam locomotive, new shiny locomotive,

He is driving a real car.
Those who ride the train are teddy bears
Funny hares, dolls and monkeys.


Plasticineography lesson: Horse.


Teach children to complete the drawing using the plasticine technique.


1.Teach children to complete the drawing by themselves using the smear technique.

2. Reinforce the ability to smear lines in different directions.

4. Develop consistency in the work of both hands.

3. To foster responsiveness in children, the need to come to the aid of those who need it.

Speech task: Acquaintance with new words: mane, muzzle, hooves, shiny coat.

Course of the lesson: Pay attention to the neighing horse.

Educator: Listen, who's that neighing behind the door?Children: Horse.

We bring the horse into the group. “But!” We said to the horse. And they rushed off without looking back.
The mane curls in the wind. Here is the house. Horse, whoa!
Examining the horse.Educator: Look what a beautiful horse galloped to us! And what a long tail she has! Nika, show me where the horse's tail is! And the eyes? And what's that horse?Children: Head, legs, mane ...

Educator: Do you know why the horse came to us? She wants us to finish painting her portrait, the artist was in a hurry and did not have time to draw it! - Let's help the horse?

Children sit at tables on which are laid out in advance:

1. Incomplete pictures of a horse. 2. Plasticine.

Finger game:

Look what kind of fingers(squeeze, unclench the fists)

Dexterously jump like horses(Knocking fingers on the table)

On a log and on a tree stump

Jump and jump, jump and jump.

Educator: See what the artist did not complete the horse?Children: Mane, ponytail.

Educator: What is the horse's tail?Children: Long, fluffy, black.

Show your finger where we will draw the horse's tail? What color will we draw the ponytail?Educator: And now all together with me we will begin to draw a tail. (Explanation and demonstration, individual help for children)Educator:

Lera, what color did you take the plasticine? Misha, what color did you take?

Pinch off a small piece from it. Roll up between your toes. Place it on the horse, press the rolled ball with your finger and pull it down (we do this many times until the horse's tail is long and fluffy).

Educator: And now we will draw the horse's mane. Where does the horse's mane grow?

Children: On the neck. Educator: Show with your finger where the horse's neck is, where will we draw the mane? Children show.

Educator: What color will we draw the horse's mane?Children: Black.

Educator: And now all together with me we will begin to draw the mane. (Explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).Educator: Take a piece of black plasticine.

Nika, what color did you take the plasticine? Kolya, what color did you take? They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put horses on the neck, pressed the rolled ball with a finger and pulled it down.

At the end of the work, he invites the children to consider their work.

Educator : What important, proud horses we got! We give the portraits to the horse, she admires them, praises the children and leaves us.

Plasticinography lesson: Underwater kingdom.

Purpose: Teach children to draw fish and algae using the plasticine technique.


1. Teach children to smear a plasticine ball in two directions, creating a tail in a fish.

2. To reinforce the children's ability to smear, create vertical lines from top to bottom, creating algae in the aquarium.

3. Strengthen the ability of children to create pebbles in the aquarium by pressing.

4. Development of fine motor skills of hands.

5. To teach to bring the matter to the end.

Speech task: Aquarium, round, square, algae, green, float.

Course of the lesson:

Draws children's attention to the aquarium.

Educator: Guys, what do you see in the aquarium?Children: Fish, seaweed.Educator: We propose to consider the fish, say what color they are.Children: Red, blue, yellow, green.Educator: And what color is the algae?Children: Green.

Educator: Guys, look how many aquariums I have, but they are all empty! (Showing paper silhouettes). Let's fill them with fish and give them to our dolls so that they have an aquarium! Children sit at the tables.

Finger game:

The fingers of both hands are folded in a pinch. portraying

diving fish.

The fish swam, dived
In clean, warm water.
They will shrinkhands are clenched very tightly.

Will unclench Fingers spread out strongly

They will bury themselves in the sand!

Educator: Now look at the tables and tell me, how are we going to draw fish and algae in the aquarium?Children: Plasticine.

Educator: start drawing fish with me! (explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).Educator: Children, take plasticine! Olya, what color did you take the plasticine? Vanya, what color did you take the plasticine?Educator: They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put it in the aquarium, pressed on the rolled ball with a finger and smeared it slightly upward. Then again we put our finger on this one, press the ball on it and spread it slightly downward. We've got a fish. Only one fish will be boring to live in an aquarium, let's draw a lot of fish!Children draw 3-4 fish using different colors of plasticine.

Educator: And now we will draw algae for them - grass. What color are we going to paint the algae?Children: Green. Educator: Show with your finger where we will draw the algae. How are we going to draw the algae?Children show.

Educator: And now we will all start drawing together with me (explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).Educator: We took all the green plasticine. Nadia, what color did you take the plasticine? Kolya, what color did you take the plasticine? They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. We put it on the bottom (bottom) of the aquarium, pressed it with a finger and pulled it up. We invite the children to consider the resulting underwater kingdom. We pay attention to how long, green, thick algae turned out and what colorful beautiful fish are swimming in the aquarium. We praise the children. We place the aquariums in the doll's corner.

Complication: We smear sand along the bottom. We press in the “stones”. We make algae from “sausages” rolled out between the palms.

Plasticineography lesson: Curls for a sheep.


Teach children to create curls for a lamb using the plasticine technique.


1. Teach children to use an auxiliary device - a round stack to create “curls” for a lamb.

2. To strengthen the ability of children to attach plasticine balls next to each other.

3. Develop consistency in the work of both hands.

4. To cultivate the skill of accurate work with plasticine.

Speech task: lamb, white curls, wool-wool.

Course of the lesson:

We show the children a picture: one depicts a lamb with curls, the other depicts a silhouette of a lamb.

In one village near the river there lived sheep.
One sheep was white and curly!
And very, very funny!

Others were gray and sad!

Guys, I really feel sorry for these gray, sad sheep. And you?Children: It's a pity!

Educator: And you want to make them happy! Draw them white, curly fur!

Children: Yes. Children sit down at tables.

Finger game:

Sheep are walking near the river.(we twist with our hands clenched into a fist).

And the lamb has all its fur in rings

Once a ring (We connect the thumb and forefinger of the left hand in a ring.)

Two little rings!

Three little rings!

Four little rings! We repeat the same with the right hand!

Educator: Together with me we begin to draw wool for sheep. (Explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).

Educator: What color is the sheep's fur?

Children: White!

Educator: We took white plasticine.

Lera, what color is your plasticine? Vlad, what color did you take?

They pinched off a small, small piece from it. Rolled up between the fingers. They put it on the lamb, pressed the rolled ball with a finger. They pinched off another small, small piece. Rolled up between the fingers. They put it on the lamb, next to the already attached piece of plasticine and pressed the rolled ball with a finger.

(We do this many times until the whole body of the lamb is covered with white balls).


Educator: Let's decorate our sheep! FROM we make the sheep "curls"!

Take stacks (hollow tubes) and press them vertically on the plasticine. They pressed the stack to the plasticine - they raised it. They pressed the stack to the plasticine - raised it ...

The result of the work: we invite the children to consider their sheep. We draw the attention of children to the fact that all the sheep have become cheerful. Why? They now have curly, white coats. We praise the children!

Decoration of the exhibition of works.

Plasticinography lesson: "Dandelions are flowers, like the sun are yellow ..."



Teach children to create dandelion flowers using plasticine technique.


1. Teach children to independently combine different techniques (flattening, smearing) to enhance the expressiveness of the image.

2. Continue to develop in children the ability to depict objects in a large space of the sheet.

3. Develop consistency in the work of both hands.

4. Ability to work in a team.

Speech task: Dictionary activation - yellow dandelion, golden ray. To teach to answer with a complete answer to the question: which one?

Course of the lesson:

We bring a bouquet of dandelions to the group. Reading a poem

Educator: Look guys, what beautiful flowers! They are called dandelions.

This flower, which looks like a little golden sun, grows everywhere: in vegetable gardens and orchards, in meadows and fields, along roadsides and on our site. Its bright yellow flowers are collected in a round basket. Examining a flower:

Educator: Tell me, children, what shape does a dandelion flower remind you of?
Children: Circle shape. Educator: Indeed, the dandelion has a rounded shape with fluffy edges. This is because the dandelion flower consists of a large number of individual flowers. We show the children a flower at close range, so that everyone can be convinced of this.
We draw attention to the dandelion leaf, it looks like a small Christmas tree, and each individual part of the leaf is similar in shape to a triangle. We draw the children's attention to the unfinished composition of the picture, we invite the children to complete it, finish drawing the dandelions and decorate the group with this picture.
Children sit down at tables.

Finger game:

The sun is shining through the window("Flashlights") Let's dance a little

Jump-jump .. (clap)

The sun is shining through the window ("flashlights")

We'll dance a little Clap, clap, clap, clap, (clap)

The sun is shining through the window ("flashlights")

We'll dance a little slap, slap, slap, slap, (clap)

Educator: And now we will all start drawing together with me (explanation and demonstration, individual help for children).Educator: Take a piece of plasticine.

Olya, you took the plasticine, what color? Vanya, what color did you take?

Roll a ball out of it. Flatten the finished ball between your palms.

Look, you have got a round "sun". Now go to the painting. Show with your finger where you will attach the flowers (children point to the tip of the stem).

Attach the flower to the picture to the stem.

We draw the attention of children to the fact that the tip of the flower is fluffy. In order for it to be the same in our picture, it is necessary to fluff it up. We smear the disc with our finger, make it look like rays of the sun.

Educator : Look, what a wonderful glade turned out!

At the end of the lesson, you can conduct a choir game

Dandelion, dandelion!

(Squat then rise slowly)

The stem is as thin as a finger. If the wind is fast, fast

(Scatter in different directions)

It will fly into the clearing, Everything around will rustle.

(They say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")

Dandelion stamens Will fly in a round dance(Hold hands and walk in circles)

And they will merge with the firmament.

Maria Chubarova
Modeling circle in the middle group


I bring to your attention my development of a circle on plasticineography. It differs from other similar works in that I selected classes taking into account the topics of the week, and also did not take topics stretched over several weeks, since this is inappropriate: children who attended the first lesson could miss the next one, and, conversely, children did not those who came to the first, could already come to the second, and, thus, the goal would not be achieved.

Modeling circle in the middle group

"Plasticine Tale"

purpose: Development of fine motor skills and artistic abilities in children of middle preschool age through plasticineography.


Learn to convey the simplest image of objects, phenomena of the surrounding world through plasticineography.

Teach the basic techniques of plasticineography (pressing, smearing, pinching, indentation).

Learn to work in a given space.

Learn to accept the task, listen and hear the teacher's speech, act according to the model, and then according to verbal instructions.

Learn to examine various objects (objects) with the help of visual, tactile sensations to enrich and clarify the perception of their shape, proportion, color.

To educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine.

Develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, eyes.

To develop the visual activity of children.

Develop interest in the process and results of work.

Long-term plan


1 lesson "Sun"

Purpose: to teach children to roll out plasticine with straight movements of two fingers (acquaintance with tourniquets and flagella, lay out the tourniquets and flagella in a circle along the drawn contour.

2 lesson "Gloomy clouds"

Purpose: to teach children to roll out plasticine with straight movements between their palms, to lay out bundles in the shape of an oval along the drawn contour. Combine crafts into one plasticine painting.

3 lesson "Beads for Lucy"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, to arrange elements (beads) close to each other, in a certain order, alternating them in color. Clarify the knowledge of children about the round shape of objects, consolidate the ability to sculpt small balls, rolling them in a circular motion with the fingers of the hand. Consolidate knowledge of color. Develop a sense of rhythm.

4 lesson "White mushroom"

Purpose: to teach how to perform work on a round cardboard plate, to consolidate the ability to depict a mushroom, to complement the composition with a plot (birch leaf, grass, to consolidate the ability to sculpt a "sausage", to use familiar techniques - pinching, smearing, use a stack in work.

October1 lesson "Birch"

Purpose: to teach how to depict a tree, to choose colors on your own, to consolidate the techniques of working in the technique of plasticineography (to press down, apply, smooth the boundaries, connecting parts, develop fine motor skills of the hands.

2 lesson "Ripe apples in the garden"

Purpose: to form the ability of children to pinch off small pieces of plasticine and roll small balls in a circular motion with their fingers. Strengthen the ability to flatten the balls with your finger on top. Strengthen knowledge about the color red with children. To cultivate accuracy, care for others, a sense of empathy.

3 lesson "Tangle for a kitten"

Purpose: to teach children to independently twist the flagella in a circle. Develop fine motor skills.

4 lesson "Colored umbrellas"

Purpose: to teach to achieve the expressiveness of the created image through accurate reproduction of shape and color. Develop fine motor skills. Learn to work in a given space without going beyond the contour. Continue to teach the smudge technique. Learn to independently think over the patterns of the umbrella, using your knowledge of plasticine techniques, develop creativity and imagination.

November1 lesson "Rowan branch"

Purpose: to continue to form the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine with circular movements of the palms. To consolidate the ability to flatten balls, randomly arrange them on the surface. Strengthen knowledge about the color red with children. Develop fine motor skills.

2 lesson "The plane flies"

Purpose: to form the ability of children to divide a block of plasticine by eye into two equal parts, roll it out with straight movements of the palms. To form the ability of children to compose an object on a plane, consisting of several parts, to achieve an accurate transfer of the shape of an object, its structure, parts. To develop the ability to supplement the image with characteristic details (windows, portholes, using familiar working techniques: rolling, flattening. Reinforce knowledge of blue and blue colors

3 lesson "Multicolored traffic light"

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic lights, the purpose of its colors. Exercise in the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine in circular motions of the palms. Continue to develop the ability to attach the finished form to the surface by flattening it evenly on the surface of the base. Develop accuracy in working with plasticine.

4 lesson "Let's decorate the dress for Katya doll"

Purpose: Exercise in the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine in circular movements of the palms and decorate the finished shape with them. Continue to develop the ability to attach the finished form to the surface by flattening it evenly on the surface of the base. Develop consistency in the work of both hands, accuracy in working with plasticine. Consolidate knowledge of colors.

December1 lesson "Pyramid"

Purpose: to teach children to lay out flagella in the form of ovals, different in shape and size. Develop fine motor skills, sense of color and shape.

2 lesson "Snowman"

Purpose: to form the ability of children to compose an image of a whole object from parts that are the same in shape, but different in size, creating an image of a snowman using plasticine on a horizontal plane. Improve the ability to roll lumps of plasticine between the palms, giving them a spherical shape. Exercise in evenly flattening the finished shape on the surface of the base. To foster emotional responsiveness to events that occur in the lives of children at certain times of the year.

3 lesson "Bullfinches on twigs"

Purpose: to expand children's ideas about wintering birds, to teach children to transmit their observations of wildlife in artistic and visual activities through plasticineography. Teach children to depict bullfinches, to convey the features of their external appearance (body structure, head shape, wings, tail, characteristic color). Fasten the techniques of rolling, flattening, applying, dividing into parts using a stack. Develop compositional skills.

4 lesson "Herringbone, herringbone - green needle"

Purpose: To teach how to create a painting with a convex image. Develop children's creative imagination when decorating the Christmas tree. To develop fine motor skills of hands, continue to teach the techniques of pinching and coloring, to consolidate the ability to depict a tree - a spruce, to continue teaching to work in a given space, to teach how to create a collective composition, to develop creativity, to cultivate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, to develop coordination of hand movements, an eye.

January1 lesson "Hedgehog"

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge by children of an oval shape, techniques for making such a shape: rolling with straight palms, pulling, flattening. To form the ability to use additional objects in work to convey the characteristic features of objects. Exercise in flattening the finished shape on a horizontal plane. Develop fine motor skills. To cultivate accuracy in work.

2 lesson "Snowman"

Purpose: to foster emotional responsiveness to events occurring in the lives of children at a certain time of the year. Strengthen rolling and flattening skills. To include in the work "waste" material, to educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, to develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, and an eye.

3 lesson "Winter night"

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about the concept of "landscape". Learn to create a stucco painting with raised images. Encourage children to add objects for the image in accordance with the theme and concept, continue to teach to complement the work with a drawing using a stick or a stack, educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, develop fine motor skills, continue to teach to work in a given space, teach to create a collective composition, develop creativity, coordination of hand movements, eye.


1 lesson "Magic shoe (we will decorate the shoe)"

Purpose: to exercise the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine with circular and straight movements of the palms and decorate the finished shape with them. Continue to develop the ability to attach the finished form to the surface by flattening it evenly on the surface of the base. Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creativity of children. To educate accuracy in working with plasticine.

2 lesson "Leaves"

Purpose: to continue teaching children to smear plasticine in one direction, making it more expressive. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Strengthen a cognitive interest in nature.

3 lesson "Gift for dad"

Purpose: To encourage children to make gifts for loved ones. Develop creative imagination. To develop skills of independent activity. To cultivate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, to develop fine motor skills, to continue teaching to work in a given space, to develop creativity, hand coordination, an eye.

4 lesson "Tumbler"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability of children to flatten plasticine balls and smear them on cardboard.

March1 lesson "A sprig of mimosa as a gift for mom"

Purpose: to promote a joyful spring mood, the desire to please mom. Fasten the techniques of rolling plasticine between the palms in circular and straight movements. To develop an aesthetic perception, the ability to beautifully, neatly, in a certain sequence, place balls near the leaves to convey the image of a mimosa twig. To cultivate love and attention to family and friends.

2 lesson "Willow"

Purpose: to clarify the knowledge of children about still life, to teach how to depict a willow twig in a vase in volume, to improve the techniques of drawing with plasticine - smearing, rolling, pressing, to develop creativity and accuracy in work, fine motor skills of the hands.

3 lesson "Bear"

Purpose: to form the ability to pinch off small pieces of plasticine and smear it on the surface. Develop a sense of form and composition.

4 lesson "Cup for Katya doll"

Purpose: to exercise the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine with circular movements of the palms and decorate the finished shape with them. Continue to develop the ability to attach the finished form to the surface by flattening it evenly on the surface of the base. Develop accuracy in working with plasticine. Consolidate knowledge of colors.


1 lesson "Easter egg"

Purpose: To develop in children an emotional perception of the world around them. Improve skills in working with plasticine. To teach to independently think over the idea and select the necessary material, techniques for its implementation.

2 lesson "Starry sky"

Purpose: To stimulate interest in creating a picture with stars, comets. Develop a sense of form and composition. Encourage independent activities. To teach how to independently select the methods of implementing the idea, improve the skills of sculpting "sausages" and rounded shapes, teach how to use a stack at work, continue to educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, develop fine motor skills, hand coordination, an eye, and fix the basic colors.

3 lesson "Fish in the aquarium"

Purpose: to develop the ability to think over the compositional construction of the image: to arrange several fish swimming in different directions. To consolidate the knowledge of children of an oval shape, techniques for making such a shape: rolling out with straight movements of the palms, pulling, flattening. To form the ability to convey the characteristic features of fish, correctly conveying their shape, tail, fins, denoting a stack of scales. Develop attention, observation, fine motor skills of the fingers.

4 lesson "Caterpillar"

Purpose: to teach how to depict a caterpillar with the help of flagella (sausages, lay out rounded shapes from them, improve the ability to roll balls, complement the composition with them, continue to educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, an eye.

May1 lesson "Balloons"

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to roll out lumps of plasticine in a circular motion. To form the ability to attach the finished shape to a plane by evenly flattening it along the surface of the base. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Develop aesthetic and imaginative perception.

2 lesson "Birthday cake"

Purpose: to continue to form the ability of children to make a pattern on a circle. Strengthen the ability to roll a lump of plasticine in circular and straight movements between the palms. Induce joy in the work done. Develop consistency in the work of both hands. Educate neatness.

3 lesson "Dragonfly"

Purpose: to teach how to depict a dragonfly with the help of flagella, lay them out to obtain the desired shape, continue to educate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, develop fine motor skills, coordination of hand movements, an eye meter.

4 lesson "In the meadow"

Purpose: to teach to think over a drawing on a given topic, using the technique - "drawing with harnesses", to use a stack for expressiveness of work, to cultivate the skills of accurate work with plasticine, to develop fine motor skills, to continue teaching to work in a given space, to teach to create a collective composition, to develop creativity, coordination hand movements, eye.

“Drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words. In the process of drawing, the rational fades into the background, prohibitions and restrictions recede. At this moment, the child is absolutely free and can create. " Olga Novikova

Classes of plasticine contribute to: relieving muscle tension and relaxation; develop children's imagination, artistic and spatial thinking; positively affect the development of fine motor skills, which contributes to the full formation of the speech of children; wake up fantasy; encourage preschoolers to be independent; form an aesthetic taste; give children a certain range of knowledge, practical and labor skills and abilities, allow them to more successfully find their place in the surrounding society.

Materials used in plasticine Plasticine (different colors). Plasticine (different colors). Plastic boards for work. Plastic boards for work. Stacks. Stacks. Cardboard (plain and colored), preferably thick. Cardboard (plain and colored), preferably thick. You can also creatively use any solid surface: wood, glass, plastic. You can also creatively use any solid surface: wood, glass, plastic. Junk and natural material - for creating game fantasy images: paper of different textures, candy wrappers, beads, buttons, seeds, seeds, cones, shells, chestnuts, plastic containers, discs, etc.

Rosette from "sausage" and "droplets" We make "sausage" and "droplet" from plasticine. Knead the "sausage" with your fingers until flat. The "droplet" is the base of our bud, we must wrap it in petals. The more "sausages" - petals, the more magnificent the rose will be. We continue to attach the petals one by one. The result is a specious yellowish rose.