Microdermal on the neck between the clavicle. Microdermal Piercing: Photo and Review of Unusual Decoration

Among the piercing varieties, the microdermal is considered one of the most painless and aesthetic. A microdermal on the neck or complex piercing on the clavicle looks very impressive. But the piercing produced by this technology is a rather complicated operation, requiring a responsible relationship both by the Master and the Client.

Microdermal - what is it?

The selected decoration is implanted on the neck, on the clavicle or elsewhere at the request of the client.

Microdermal technology is an intracutaneous decoration introduction. Earring for piercing consists of two parts:

  • anchor - subcutaneous implant with an outer rod for the decorative part;
  • cheat - upper part with decorative elements. As it is clear from the title, it is screwed to the main part (anchor).

How to choose a suitable decoration?

When choosing decoration for piercing, microdermal is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • the material should be hypoallergenic and secure.
  • the cheating must be flat, preferably with a minimum of decorative elements.
  • the maximum scroll size for the first puncture is up to 4 mm on the body and 3 mm on the face.

Difficulty decorations can cling to the skin and injure it. Therefore, for the primary puncture it is better to use the simplest decorations.

The optimal choice for the first piercing is titanium. Silver or gold earrings in the process of use are oxidized and cause skin reactions. Surgical steel is covered with nickel whose connections can get into the wound. Therefore, its use is also not recommended.

It is also unwanted to put high cheats, because the higher the decoration, the easier it is to cling to clothes. If piercing is installed on the neck, then the first cheating must be flat, so as not to cling to the hair.

How does Microdermal hold?

The basis for piercing is an anchor part. It consists of a thin plate with holes - through them as the skin will be grieved. Therefore, anchor is sometimes called implant, and this is true - piercing is implanted into the body.

The more time passed from implantation, the stronger the earrings is attached.

On which parts of the body is possible to install microdermals?

It is possible to install a microdermal on almost any part of the body, since this type of piercing is small-acting and safe. Speeciously looks like a decoration on the cheekbone, in the neckline area and in the chest. But the yard comes with the underwear, so it is preferable to install a microdermal over breasts, between the clavicle or directly on the clavicle.

Also caution must be observed if the microdermal is installed:

  • on the face - you will have to abandon the use of tonal creams and the basics for makeup. With the rest of the decorative cosmetics, you should also contact carefully so that it does not get into the wound. For piercing on the face it is better to choose small decorations, as care is easier;
  • on hand, namely - brushes and fingers. There is a high risk of piercing damage;
  • at the lower back - this part of the body is most coming into contact with the edges of clothing and linen.

The neck piercing is also problematic. Here the assistant will need to handle the wound. Piercing on the neck in front looks no less aesthetic, but in care more simple.

How do microdermal do?

Microdermal installation takes no more than five minutes. The phased process looks like this:

  • disinfected the place of the puncture. Tools also must be sterile;
  • marking is done, the procolator is coordinated with the client;
  • the top layer of the skin is opened with a special needle. The place of the outbreak is small - no more than 1.5 mm. The operation is carried out exclusively in the skin, so blood should not be;
  • anchor is introduced into the puncture;
  • anchor pin is screwed down the selected decoration;
  • piercing is processed re-and stuck with an antibacterial plaster.

It is impossible to install a microdermal during the disease - any infection weakens the body, and the survival will be problematic.

Attention! During the day before the puncture, you can not drink alcohol, abuse coffee and tea, take vitamin E. It is also not worth taking medications that reduce blood clotting - aspirin and ibuprofen derivatives.

Is it painful to install microdermals?

The soreness of the procedure depends primarily from the personal painful threshold and the place of puncture. The most sensitive places are the area of \u200b\u200bcheeky, fingers and necks behind. But, as a rule, piercing is done under local anesthesia.

Affects the painful sensations and phase of the menstrual cycle in women. At the beginning of the cycle, the pain threshold decreases, and the installation of the implant will seem more unpleasant. Therefore, visit the salon is at another time.

After anesthesia ceases to act, you can take a pill anesthetic. For two to three days, unpleasant sensations must be fully. According to the reviews of people who have made a microdermal, this procedure can be considered one of the most painless types of piercing. The first time the sense of the foreign object remains, but gradually discomfort passes.

How much puncture heals?

The process of healing the subcutaneous implant is sufficiently long. The full impact of the anchor usually takes half a year, or even a year. At the time of healing affect:

  • compliance with the rules of piercing care - when injuring the prolque region or in case of infection, healing slows down;
  • implant material - hypoallergenic titanium anchors are implanted faster than steel;
  • tissue recovery rate - each body has a tissue regeneration takes place at its individual pace.

How much does microdermal cost?

On the piercing of Microdermal, as well as on any medical procedure, should not save. First of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of services, and not for the price. Usually the price of the puncture is folded from:

  • the material from which the decoration is made;
  • the cost of anesthetic and other consumables;
  • the type of procedure is primary or repeated puncture;
  • the number of punctures on the body is one, or it is planned to enlist multiple implants.

Important! Making a large amount of implant anchors is not recommended at a time, even if the piercing of a complex form is planned. From this, the burden on the body, including the immune system, increases. Multiple punctures heal slower, and care for them is much more complicated.

How to care for microdermal after the procedure?

Microdermal requires a responsible attitude towards care after puncture. The first three or five days the place of installation of the anchor must be kept under the plaster by changing it as needed. In addition, it is recommended:

  1. be sure to wash the place of the puncture of the physically two or three times a day. This is done with a sterile cotton swab. If puncture finger is enough to plunge him for a while in saline;
  2. rank not need to once again touch, remove the cheek, try to trim the crust, etc. If you need to change the plaster - before that it is necessary to wash your hands with soap;
  3. if suspicion that dirt got into the place of the puncture, it should be disinfected. You do not need to use alcohol-containing disinfection fluids - so wound can be burned. Optimally handling chlorhexidine, miramistine or furaticiline solution;
  4. do not use healing ointments and creams. They do not accelerate the healing process, but only slow down - the film on the skin is sprinkled by the wreck and prevents it from delaying;
  5. the first month does not visit the baths, saunas, do not sunbathe on the beach. Any thermal impact prevents healing, and sprinkling can provoke an inflammatory process;
  6. also be sure to reduce the contact of puncture and clothing. Therefore, close clothes, as well as things from coarse wool, do not wear. If the anchor was implanted on the neck, the hair to collect in the tail or braid. If piercing is made in snaps on the back, or another hard-to-reach place, the assistant will necessarily need.

Is it possible to shoot my microdermal?

Alone to remove the anchor of the microdermal can not be in any case. To do this, you need to contact a specialist, it is also desirable, which I installed it. But the cheating of the house can be changed.

Demon decoration need to be done only with clean hands.

Before these hands, the area of \u200b\u200bpiercing and the decoration itself is treated with an antiseptic. The cheating is removed carefully, gently turning so as not to injure the skin.


Below you can visually see what the decoration looks like on different parts of the body.

Modern stylish decorations for intradermal microscopic implantation with a small puncture is the so-called microdermals. What is it and how to install them? One of the types of piercing associated with skin piercing, microdermal is a small plate that is placed under the skin, and is called anchor.

Microdermalum technology - a new step in Bodyriat - firmly gained popularity, and many are interested in: Microdermals - what it is, how and where to do them, how much will it cost, as it will look like, how to care for them.

Microdermals new piercing

The rod is attached to the plate of the product, as well as a standard piercing product. The end of the rod protrudes outside, the decorations will be cooked on it, which will turn on the surface of the skin - microdermals. According to such decorations, we will tell below.

The difference from the piercing is that the installation is carried out at the skin layer level. Decor - balls, discs, crystals are screwed to the installed rod.

Consider more microdermals. What it is? Photo clearly demonstrates various options for their installation.

Types of microdermals

Unlike piercing, microdermals are implanted into the skin. Therefore, special biofil materials are used for such jewelry, in particular, titanium.

Microdermals most often have a disk form, but there are options for jewelry in the form of balls, cones, carnations, spikes. Outdoor cheating, if desired, can be changed.

Microdermal can have different dimensions - the height of the leg is 1.2 mm. The magnitude of the outer part begins from 3 mm.

For the manufacture of decorations, titanium, surgical steel, acrylic are used. The first can be considered the best material for microdermal jewelry.

This metal has unique properties:

  • stability;
  • strength;
  • extraordinary ease;
  • not rejected by tissues;
  • inert in relation to body fluids;
  • does not cause allergic manifestations.

Decorations that raise the risk of rejection to a minimum due to their excellent compatibility with biobanks are titanium microdermals. What it is - the photo shows and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibility for lovers of Bodyarta to decorate the body in the most unexpected places.

How to install microdermals

Install the microdermal is easy, but this process has its own characteristics. The wizard makes a hole with a special needle, then on the surface of the skin by separating it from the adhesive layer, the "pocket" is cut for an anchor. The implantation process is essentially not different from the injection of a medical needle. After installation, the specialist records a microdermal with a bacterial plaster for the first few days. In addition, it is recommended to avoid clothing that could hurt on different parts of the body of the healing microdermals.

How do such body decorations begin? First of all choose the area of \u200b\u200bthe body where the microdermal can be safely reinforced and give stylish image. It is better to use cheats in the form of flat disks as the initial decoration: they adjacent to the skin and hold better. The whole procedure lasts, as a rule, not more than 5 minutes.

Where fashionably install microdermals

Microdermal technology will allow decorations on any part of the body. Microcompositions may consist of several types of decorations forming patterns.

The most common installation of microdermals:

  • on the chest;
  • in back;
  • clavicle;
  • wrists;
  • ears and even cheeks;
  • in the middle of the forehead, near the eyes and eyebrows;
  • on the clavicle and in the hole between them on the neck;
  • in solar plexus;
  • on the neck and other places.

It looks natural and perfectly emphasize the zone of neckline, the slightness of the back, give the sophistication of the appearance and somewhat causing the elegance of microdermals on the clavicle. The photo below shows one of the simplest accommodation options for decorations on this body.

Today, many have already mastered the new type of decoration - microdermals. What is it, and what are their advantages?

Benefits of microdermals like body decorations

By choosing microdermals as a means of Bodyiart, the amateur will feel their advantages compared to piercing or tattoo:

  • the minimum probability of scarring or scars;
  • safety for soft tissues;
  • available microdermal installation price;
  • the ability to install the decoration is almost on any part of the body;
  • fast tissue healing.

Experienced specialists will put microdermal on the face, neck, clavicle. Specialists do not work without any problems with hypersensitive zones - lips or intimate area.

Installing microdermals: Possible complications and problems

When installing microdermals, small complications may occur. This usually occurs in the case of installation at home. A plot with a bunch can be inflated and scars are formed when the microdermal installation is incorrect. The decoration should not spin, otherwise the skin when moving from the inside will be injured, and it can provoke the scarring. Microtraums in the field of puncture initiate the growth of scar tissue, as a result, the microdermal will not hold on and can fall outward.

If the decoration is tired, the master who put it should delete it.

The main guarantee of the safe bodyguard is to trust your body only to professionals in the salons with high-quality medical services.

Microdermal, with proper use, can become a noticeable feature of appearance, give the image a new sound, attractiveness and individuality.

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful art. This movement, style and architecture in one.


There are many ways to decorate the body. In the cabin you can apply scars, make a tattoo, piercing, install microdermal - miniature titanium decoration, which is implanted in different parts of the body - neck, clavicle, lower or face. This procedure is also called subcutaneous piercing, it has several advantages, but it also has disadvantages. Before deciding to the event, weigh all the "for" and "against".

What is microdermals

The decoration implanted in the horn layer of the skin is called a microdermal. The standard product consists of three fragments - plates (anchors), legs and cheating. A small plate with a size of 1.5-2 mm is the base of the decoration, it is implanted in the hipgy and basal (lower) layers of the epidermis. In the anchor wide openings, so that when healing, new fabrics have enveloped it, contributing to the consignment.

The plate is connected to the leg (rod) with thread. The armature rod is put on the cheating - a flat product of any form. You can change the cheating regularly, the diameter of the leg and the thread step is standardized. In this case, the plate with the leg will remain in place until the owner of the decoration does not want to get rid of it. To avoid complications and speed up the healing process of microdermal, anchor with the rod is made of titanium, the probability of rejection of which the organism is minimal.

The product of a classic type is distinguished by a flat and oblong form of anchor. There are other types:

  • Transdermals - structures withsting heavy load and large nozzle due to a wide plate.
  • Skindiers are a key difference - in the form of anchor. Instead of a plate in Skindizers, a nozzle is used, which is encouraged by the conical shape. Pull it more difficult than entering the prepared hole.

How to choose a place to install jewelry

You can implant my microdermal on any part of the body - neck, in the area of \u200b\u200bdecollete, clavicle, abdomen, back. Many people like to decorate the face, hands, others fasten titanium designs where they can remain invisible - behind the ear, around the navel, on the lower back. It is desirable to zone with implant without touching clothes, not subject to regular injury.

Piercing on the neck

Speecually looks like a microdermal on the neck - this is one of the most popular places of installation. Often pebbles decorate the following sections:

  • The yapper is a deepening on the bottom of the neck formed by the legs of the breast-clavical mastoid muscle. Such a decoration resembles a pendant, which was at an ordinary place without a chain.
  • The central line of the rear surface of the neck - then several products are installed on each other.
  • The side of the neck, which begins on the upper part of the trapezoid muscle and ends behind the ear.

Microdermals on the clavicle

The next popular portion of the body, where they establish an anchor earrings, - the area of \u200b\u200bthe clavicle. Used subclavian or permissions. It is not necessary to fix the decorations symmetrically - it seems to look at the products linted into the punctured clavicle or the test area on the one hand. Piercing on the clavicle should not choose those who do not wear clothes with a cut - the protruding parts of the product will regularly throw the cloth.

Microdermals on the face

Install the microdermal on the face the most bold and advanced. Stylishly and spectacularly look at round products in the form of a brilliant stone on the side over the lip, on the cheekbone, in front of the ear shell, above the bridge between the eyebrows. Sometimes they make puncture immediately in several places, where the titanium "earrings" is fixed - then they resemble traditional piercing. Such a procedure has a flaw - there is a chance that after removing the decoration, the scar is formed.

The implantation of titanium jewelry in the loan area makes women and men. If the girl has versions on the back at the place of the sobbing pelvis and the spine - it is possible to install products that have a disk or sphere. Since such a feature is more common in women, men make piercing at the bottom of the spines in the form of a track of several brilliant elements.

Piercing in the neckline zone

Decoration with a neckline piercing is the prerogative of a weak half of humanity. Sexy and unobtrusively looks microdermal in the hollow between the breasts. Install both one decoration and several pieces located vertical strip. Products are harmonious, the size of which is reduced from top to bottom. However, it is worth remembering that the decorations can throw the bra, so before installing in the zone decollete it is worth weighing everything.

How to make microdermals

Installing a microdermal is not a complicated procedure, but it requires skill. Since the basis of the design is wider than the visible part, the anchor is installed for the lusion in the prepared "pocket":

  • If the puncture on the clavicle, above the eyebrows, near the ears - the master will wallow the place of installation of the product. Anesthesia makes insulin syringe using Lidocaine. You can do without an injection, and apply anesthetic ointment - Emla cream.
  • The scalpel is made a shallow incision, or the skin is punctured by a special needle, then under the layer of the epidermis, the master is expanding the "pocket", where immediately inserts the base of the decoration.
  • The earring is screwed onto the head with a carvings, and the place of work is stuck with the plaster. This will help the plate to gain a foothold in the tissues, avoid their injury in the first days after the procedure. After the new skin is sprouting in the holes of the plate, the plaster is removed.

Skin care after installing decoration

In order for the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which the intervention was carried out faster healed, the following rules should be followed:

  • Do not wet piercing at least 48 hours after the procedure, then 3-4 days to stick the punching area of \u200b\u200bthe puncture before you take a shower.
  • In the initial period of healing (1.5-2 weeks), the prolque place is treated - can be used octenisept, chlorhexidine, mormistine, alcoholic tincture of chlorophilipte or other antiseptic. The procedure for disinfection is carried out in the morning, day and evening, then - twice a day.
  • It is not recommended to change the nozzle ("Cap" of the product for six months after the puncture is performed so as not to disrupt the decoration impairment process. The first "earring" is desirable to choose a flat and rounded form to minimize the danger of injury.

Piercing removal

Get rid of the boring decoration is possible, but it should be done only in a specialized cabin. The master will perform a suction of a sharp scalpel under the desired angle and remove the decoration. This type of piercing does not hurt the dermis, but only the top layer of the skin (epidermis), the scar after the procedure will not remain. However, when trying to independently extract the design, the injury to deep tissues is not excluded, which can lead to the formation of scars.

Possible consequences

If the microdermal is installed correctly, and its owner complies with piercing care rules, problems will not arise. However, the following troubles are possible:

  • Cross place injury. The decoration rises above the skin level - it can be injured if you carelessly hurt clothes. When tissue damage, holding the plate, the formation of scars is possible during the healing process. As a result, the plate can be moved from either to become at an angle.
  • Penetration into the puncture of foreign substances - cosmetics, dirt, etc. If the place of piercing on the face, it is important to ensure that the cream or powder does not fall into a plot with a puncture. Dispersed particles cause irritation and contribute to inflammation of tissues.
  • Incorrect installation of decoration. If the wizard does not have enough skill, it is likely that anchor will be set with errors. It is fraught with rejection of the plate, redoing the skin around the place of the puncture, subsequent inflammation, tissue swelling. If you do not remove a microdermal, the suppuration will arise - it will have to treat it for a long time.
  • Allergy to the material from which the product is made. Choosing a decoration, it should be monitored so that the seller has a certificate for goods. Implant designs are performed from a biocompatible with the human body of titanium alloy with aluminum and vanadium. In this case, the probability of allergies is low.

Neck piercing is a type of body piercing. The technology involves the introduction of an earrings in the skin design, which is called microdermal. The surgical operation is done like this: one part of the product is implanted under a layer of epidermis, and the other remains on the surface, and curly tips are put on it.

Features of piercing on the neck

Standard piercing with the familiar rods and rings cannot be made in places where the skin is stretched while driving, which increases the risk to snatch an earring from the hole. Microdermal is a separate view of punctures. The name received thanks to the decoration used.

Little plate with holes - anchor implanted under the skin. The design of the product allows you to install it anywhere, the clavicle and neck are beloved.

The installation procedure of the decoration does not cause difficulties, but there are nuances. We advise you to entrust work to a professional, although piercing fans implanted on their own at home.

How do microdermal do:

  1. An ethyl alcohol or antiseptic is processed by the zone of the future puncture.
  2. The disinfected scalpel master cuts skin cover.
  3. Under the layer of skin make a cut in two directions for the size of the decoration.
  4. A plate is introduced into the formed hole, which is the base of the earrings. It is installed in the body exactly the first time, as the error will have to be corrected in an open wound, which will bring pain to the client.
  5. A decorative tip is screwed over the surface.
  6. The design is stuck with a plaster for protection against dust and dirt.

Microdermal piercing on the neck can cause complications:

  • Decoration rejection. If in a fresh wound insert a product from an inappropriate material - low-quality steel, gold, medical alloys, plastic, then the body will not accept it and pours out.
  • Risk of infection. To protect, follow the rules of aseptic in the process of procedure, abide by hygiene, not to delay and do not touch the decoration until the wound on the neck heals.
  • After removing the earrings remains a trail. For the scar to see the surrounding, trust the removal of a microdermal professional.

Before implanting the piercing, think about the decision so that you will not regret the time and finance in the future. The consequences of the unjulpetence of the microdermal are not dangerous, but they can leave a cosmetic defect.

Types of punctures of the neck

When choosing a place to install a microdermal, consider the following factors: whether the skin is stretched while driving and how often it comes into contact with clothing.

Secure Pressing Implantation Places:

  • The decolte area is the optimal choice. The probability of touching the earring and leave the wreck is present, but it is minimal. The main thing to choose such a place where the product will not constantly rub about underwear. Masters advise to install earrings in the center of the chest, 10 centimeters below the clavicle.
  • Neck. There are no restrictions on the location of the hole in this part of the body. Poll make a back under the hair. Original and sexy looks pebbles in the center of the pits in front. If you do not want to be limited to one decoration, then make a track from several earrings on the side or along the clavicle. Piercer advise at this body lifting method to install microdermals at a distance of 7 mm from each other, so that it is convenient to care for them.

The specified zones are the most favorite in piercing fans and are considered the safest. The implantable type of jewelry is coming and on other parts of the body.


After the procedure for the fate of the puncture, the client is responsible. During the regeneration period, appropriate care is needed, which accelerate healing and reduce the risk of complication.

How to take care of piercing:

  • In the first 2-3 days after visiting the cosmetologist, we carry the plaster on top of the earrings so that the dirt did not get into the fresh round.
  • Avoid contacting the damaged area and water.
  • During the week, the freshly installed product should not touch clothes and it cannot be touched by hands. It can create cracked and microtraums around the hole, which is dangerous and increases the risk of infection.
  • We treat with antiseptic solutions daily. Preparations of chlorhexidine and Miramistin are suitable. From natural disinfectants it is worth highlighting the tea tree oil. Before the hand procedure should be thoroughly washed with antibacterial soap.
  • Until full healing, do not change the top tip.

Restoration of the skin last an average of 6 months.

In the first few weeks, it is especially important to carefully care for the bunch, otherwise the wound will become inflamed and the body will turn the decoration. As a result, a scar will remain on the site of the microdermal, which can be removed only by professional laser grinding. If you notice signs of rejection, contact the wizard immediately to take it out of the skin carefully.

Selection of decoration and its change

You can buy a microdermal in the cabin. If you decide to search for yourself, you should know the basic rules.

In this type of piercing, it is strictly forbidden to use products from surgical steel. The material prevents comfortable and safe healing, as it contains nickel, which in the wound causes inflammation and rejection. The optimal option is to decorate from titanium with ASTM marking. It does not oxidize, so the probability of rejection by the body comes down to zero. Surrive and does not cause allergies titanium, which is used in the production of high-quality microdermals.

Change the decoration on the neck can be alone. The upper part of the design is easily removed and changing to the new one.

Do not touch the piercing until the full healing is only after half a year from the moment of puncture.

The replacement process is accurately carried out in compliance with the rules of asepsis. Before removing the head, treat your hands, skin and disinfector earring. Remove the cheek slowly, trying not to damage the capsule formed around the anchor. If you inflict the injury, then in the future it will turn into inflammation, the growth of the scar and the gradual rejection of the product.

Piercing in the neck area looks sexy. With the help of photo works, you can choose the right place on the piercing body. Remember that the implanted decoration will deliver discomfort and discomfort within a few weeks. Healing requires attention, it is impossible to be allowed to be allowed on a sample, otherwise the earring does not come true and the scar will remain on the spot. Before going to the beautician, think carefully, whether the microdermal can save the microdermal from negative factors and to care for it.

Piercing-microdermal, pros and cons of this jewelry, comfortable versions, installation, departure of puncture, possible problems, consequences of decoration decoration.

The content of the article:

Microdermal is one of the newest forms of body decorating, more secure, elegant and neat compared to conventional piercing. The structure of products allows them to be placed by groups at short distances from each other, creating compositions and maintaining convenience and comfort. Thanks to these peculiarities, the popularity of microdermals is growing rapidly.

Features of piercing using microdermals

Microdermal is a decorative element consisting of two parts. Its base in the form of a small rod is implanted under the skin through a small puncture. The outer decorative part of the decoration is winding outside on the subject under the skin.

Favorite places for the installation of microdermals are the neck and neckline zones, however, this type of body lifting can be applied to decorate any part of the body. In contrast to classic piercing, the decoration with microdermals does not interfere with the natural stretching of the skin and rarely injures the epidermis when the puncture seat is accidental.

It looks much more careful than ordinary piercing because of the hidden scene of the fastening of the earrings. Thanks to this feature, the drawings of microdermals are built on the body not cumbersome and oversaturated, but original and organically.

As a volumetric element in the ornament, the piercing microdermal may be an extravagant addition to the tattoo.

How to choose a place to install a microdermal

Installing a microdermal in specialized salons is a simple and fast procedure regardless of the place selected for the original decoration. The process of piercing and installing the earrings is the same for all parts of the body. To avoid excessive injury to the skin, microdermals are advised to install in areas, least in contact with clothing or other parts of the body. This allows you to speed up the process of healing and getting used to the skin to a new decoration. Below is a list of areas most secure for the installation of microdermal.

Neckline Piercing

The decolte area is one of the comfortable, but not the most successful piercing zones. Here there is a high probability to injure the skin during the pursuit of the puncture. In this area, it is worth a very carefully to choose the specific point of the microdermal installation, since there is a risk that piercing does not come true due to the constant friction of the place of puncture by the bra.

But even if you chose a place that exactly not comes into contact with the lower linen - there is a chance that the skin will be injured by the base of the earrings by friction on the clothing tightly adjacent to the body.

In this zone, as in general, in all zones of piercing impact, the most successful place for the earrings is part of the skin, which is least in contact with something in a stranger. Therefore, the microdermal usually is usually installed above the breast or in the center of the chest (10 centimeters below the clavier).

You should also pay attention to the selection of earrings for this area. Do not attach too voluminous, wide or ribbed decorations.

Piercing microdermal on face

Of the most common places to establish a microdermal on the face, they allocate cheekbones, the center of the forehead, cheeks, zones next to the ears.

For such a piercing, you should choose small ornaments that will not interfere with contact with clothes or hands.

On the face of punctures heal for about two months, and the first uncomfortable stage on average lasts one week. Throughout this time, they need to carefully care.

You should not allow creams and decorative cosmetics to the place of piercing during the entire period of regeneration, otherwise the microdermal is rejected, which will leave behind the ugly scars or scars.

Installing a microdermal on the neck

There are no special restrictions on the location of the microdermal in this part of the body, but it is most often installed on the rear surface of the neck under the hair.

Usually in this zone are not limited to one bunch, but create a path of two or more decorations. Lovers of a large number of jewelry can build a line of earring from ear to ear through the edge of the hairproof. Such a piercing looks unusual and at the same time not strongly striking.

Again, there is one "but": one should not install the decorations too close to each other, because they will be uncomfortable to care for them. The minimum distance between microdermals should be about 7 millimeters.

It should also be remembered that it will be difficult to take care of the fresh proof if you have installed a piercing on the back surface of the neck. Therefore, make yourself a faithful assistant who will help you in this matter.

Piercing microdermal on the clavicle

Those who want to stand out from the crowd can install microdermal in the region of the collar. In this place there is less risk to harm the healing puncture, and it is convenient for him to care.

Very spectacularly decoration looks in a hole between the clavicles: it resembles the usual suspension, only without a chain. This can be perfectly complemented by a stylish outfit and intrigue others.

The microdermals linted into the hollow above the clavicle or in a straw under them are also popular. Here, except for individual jewelry, love to do a pair piercing with the same cheat earring.

In addition, the zone of the clavicle is a large space for creativity. Here you can build a whole chain of microdermals, which will highlight the clavicle, or make a drawing in the form of a coast or some geometric shape.

These areas have become the most common and safe places for installing this type of decoration, but microdermals are good for both other parts of the body. They can easily be placed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe abdomen or the loin, on hand and at the top of the back.

Despite all the safety of this type of bodyModicity, you should not place microdermals in those parts of the body that regularly come into contact with clothing or traumatize. Let's not forget that this is still puncture of the skin, and the less we will affect it, the less risk to damage the skin and make an infection.

How to make piercing with microdermal

Almost any piercing can be made independently at home, but in order to avoid bitter consequences in the form of blood generation, the occurrence of scars on the place of the puncture and rejection of the earrings by the body, it is necessary to contact a professional master in a specialized cabin.

Of great importance is the right choice of the decoration itself. It is important to determine not only with the shape and size of the earrings, but also with the microdermal material as a whole. If you make a puncture in a special cabin, the master will accurately help you with the right choice.

If you decide to search for the desired decoration yourself, immediately forget about the concept of "surgical steel", in this form of piercing this material is categorically impossible. It will not contribute to the comfortable and safe healing of puncture. The best material for piercing-microdermal is the Titan of the ASTM marking (F-136). It is not oxidized, so the probability of rejection of its skin is minimized. The titanium base of piercing does not cause allergies and helps it is better to fulfill the foundation of the decoration.

The installation of the microdermala is a fairly painless procedure, as is mainly carried out under local anesthesia. The process of impact of the decoration under the skin takes no more than a couple of minutes, but at the same time it is not so easy.

Step-by-step instructions for installing microdermal:

  • The first thing the skin carefully displaced 70% ethyl alcohol.
  • Next, a round scalpel (Phalch) or a special needle, an incision is made on the skin, through which will be placed the foundation for decoration.
  • After that, under the layer of the epidermis, a cut in two different sides is carried out: it is necessary to do so that the shape of the hole in the skin is maximally suitable under the joints of the microdermal.
  • Then the plate-base decoration with a small pin is neatly introduced into the finished hole. It is important to insert it exactly from the first time so that it does not have to correlate it inside the open cut.
  • The next step on the luminosity sticking out of the skin is winding a decorative earrings.
  • Further, the whole design is stuck with the plaster, so that in the first stages of healing in the open rush did not get trash.

Skin care after installing microdermal

At this stage, for further "fate" of piercing you are fully responsible for yourself. You need to carefully care for the puncture during the regeneration of the skin so that the healing has passed quickly and does not happen any complications in the future. The master who made you piercing will tell you how to keep track of my microdermal after installation.

Consider in more detail how to maximize the piercing in the initial stages:

  1. The first two or three days after the installation of the microdermal should be pushed the place of the puncture of the plaster.
  2. About a week should not be allowed to contact the freshly installed earrings with anything and friction of her about clothes. It can raise the wreck and put dirt into it.
  3. During the first day, it is impossible to water the place of the puncture.
  4. It is advisable to refrain from swimming in open water bodies throughout the entire healing time.
  5. It is necessary to process the puncture of antiseptics daily. To do this, you can use such money as Miramistin and chlorhexidine. Also, a good antiseptic is a tea tree oil diluted with distilled water. It is important that before starting handling the hand was thoroughly washed with soap!
  6. It is not recommended to change the upper earrings to the full healing of the point of puncture. It is important to make sure that the puncture heaped and the microdermal completely passed. The time of regeneration depends on the individual characteristics of the body and usually takes a little longer than six months.
At first, it is important to properly care for a new piercing, otherwise the ring will become inflamed and the rejection of the microdermal can begin. In consequence, the scars can be left, from which you can get rid of only with the help of a special operation. Therefore, if you started a piercing rejection, you need to urgently turn to the master and, no matter how sad it sounds, remove the decoration of the skin.

How is the removal of microdermal

It should be understood that Microdermal is not a decoration for life. Often it is removed after several years of wearing, as they get tired of piercing or just begin to consider it not too comfortable.

The removal of the microdermal is not difficult process, it takes only about a minute. It is necessary to apply only to a professional master, and it is desirable for the one who set you this decoration.

The core is pulled out of the skin with small tongs, then the skin is processed by an antiseptic. After that, it remains a small wound, which will soon heal almost without a trace.

To track from the piercing remains the most invisible, you need to care for the wound, as well as the microdermal in the first days. Namely: to disinfect, stick to the plaster and try not once again not to disturb.

Will the scar after the removal of the microdermal

If the piercing was not damaged during wearing, no scar will remain. Without a doubt, the end result of the healing of the skin depends only on the characteristics of your personal body. The skin can be fully recovered, and a tiny, almost imperceptible trace can remain.

However, if you had to decide to remove a microdermal as a result of his inflammation, the scar will still remain. And in the case when the skin began to braid piercing, even an unpleasant scar can remain. Do not get upset if he did not take it when the place from the puncture will completely heal (7 months), you can install piercing to the same place.

How to make piercing-microdermal - Look at the video:

Microdermal is one of the most stylish and safe types of piercing: installation of this decoration is transferred almost painlessly. However, it is necessary to threaten the whole process of impact impact, before you decide on this unusual step. It should be understood that this decoration is unlikely to stay with you for a long time, because it rates quickly and becomes irrelevant.