Children's ENT. ENT treatment - diseases in children

Children's ENT doctor is, first of all, the experience of working with children

Very often on the phone, when contacting the ENT clinic number 1, the question is asked: “Do you have pediatric ENT doctor?».

Let us tell you a little secret: otorhinolaryngology is not divided into age groups (as is the case in a number of other branches of medicine, for example, surgery, cardiology). That is, future otolaryngologists are trained at a single department, they are all read the same lectures and conduct the same practical exercises for both adults and children's characteristics of ear, throat and nose diseases.

However, in practice, the picture is different. If the ENT doctor during his work accepts only the older age group (as well as only the younger one), then he really is less oriented with other patients. After all, there is such an important component for the doctor as experience, as it accumulates, it becomes easier to navigate in the peculiarities of the course and localization of the infectious process at a certain age, in the dosages of drugs, in how these drugs are transferred at different ages, how often and what are the side effects effects.

Therefore, your question is actually logical. If the otolaryngologist has often worked with children during his practice, then he will carry out diagnostics (endoscopic examination, tympanometry) quickly and skillfully, without causing discomfort to the child. Unmistakably determine the diagnosis, potential risks (the possibility of complications), carefully prescribe drug therapy, taking into account the age and contraindications.

Communicating with a child has its own psychological characteristics, and a doctor who constantly works with children will always have enough patience, goodwill, and tact to come to an agreement with him.

Otolaryngologists in our clinic are sensitive to setting up the child for examination and treatment, as well as teach parents about the elements of therapy at home. Together, we lead the child to a speedy recovery.

Competent equipment for receiving children

The ENT Clinic No. 1 employs doctors with experience in managing children from birth. Therefore, our clinic is specially equipped for their admission:

  • otoscopes and rhinoscopes of various sizes for examining children of any age;
  • audiometer-impedance meter for hearing studies from 1 year;
  • ultrasound devices for the study of the paranasal sinuses, without additional radiation exposure, establishing inflammation in the maxillary and frontal sinuses.

In addition to diagnostic equipment, ENT Clinic No. 1 has effective instruments for hardware treatment. Many methods, for example, UZOL-therapy - in some cases, allow to stop the infectious inflammatory process without antibiotic therapy, which is important for frequently ill children. Laser therapy allows not only to cope with inflammation, but also to significantly strengthen the local immunity in the nasopharynx, which is important for preschoolers and schoolchildren.

The equipment in our ENT polyclinic is non-contact, painless and very effective devices with no age restrictions.

Otorhinolaryngology is a branch of medicine that does not divide patients by age: into children and adults, such as pediatrics. Therefore, in fact, a pediatric ENT doctor is any otolaryngologist who accepts an ENT clinic. But in order for the doctor's consultation to be as comfortable and calm as possible for the child, it is necessary that the ENT doctor has enough experience in diagnosing and treating just small patients.

At the ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev, appointments are conducted by highly qualified otolaryngologists who have been working with patients of the children's age group for several years and know how to find an approach to each child. Therefore, when making an appointment for a consultation at our medical center, you can be sure that you are making an appointment with a pediatric otolaryngologist.

What diseases does pediatric ENT treat - doctor

Children's ENT treats conditions of the ear, nose and throat, including diagnoses typical of children such as adenoids. The competence of the pediatric ENT doctor includes the treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa (rhinitis);
  • diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other types of sinusitis);
  • diseases of the pharynx (tonsillitis, chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
  • various types of otitis media;
  • the appearance of neoplasms in the ENT - organs of the child, for example, polyps;
  • proliferation of adenoid vegetation;
  • foreign objects getting into a child's nose, ear or throat is one of the most common child problems that come with a child's ENT appointment.

It often happens that a child in the process of playing puts small details of toys or beads into his nose or ear. It is extremely problematic to extract them on your own - you can push the object even deeper and aggravate the child's condition. Therefore, the best thing that parents can do is immediately contact a pediatric ENT doctor.

Child health is not a field for experimentation. There is no need to try to cure it on your own or with the help of “grandmother's” recipes.

The children's body has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. Therefore, only a pediatric otolaryngologist can give any recommendations for therapy after a properly conducted diagnosis.

When to go to the clinic for a pediatric otolaryngologist

Every responsible parent notices any changes in the health of their child and must react in time and come to the clinic to see an otolaryngologist. Clinic consultations are needed if:

  • the baby has begun to hear worse and often asks again;
  • begins to nasal;
  • he has nasal discharge (clear to purulent);
  • pain in the ear, throat, or nose;
  • there was a cough;
  • have problems with nasal breathing;
  • his nose is constantly blocked;
  • the baby snores at night;
  • he is worried about frequent nosebleeds.

An appointment with an otorhinolaryngologist will help to find out the cause of these symptoms and quickly deal with them.

You need to make an appointment with the clinic as early as possible, since neglected diseases, and even more complications that have appeared, are much more difficult to treat.

Very often, in such cases, surgical intervention is required.

Our doctors

How is the inspection

In the "Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev", each young patient has its own approach. For any baby, going to the doctor is always stressful. To minimize stress and show the child that it is not scary to be treated, before carrying out direct procedures and manipulations, the doctor shows the child his tools, devices, tells how and what they are used for. That is, he conducts a kind of tour of the office. The most curious patients can use instruments to check the neck or ear of mom and dad - this playful form of presentation allows the baby to calm down and tune in to the right mood. This service is included in the list of services provided in our clinic, and is called "Adaptation of the child to the ENT office".

Treatment at the ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev

In our clinic, we provide services for the treatment of diseases of the ear, throat and nose of children from three years old for a fee. Paid services are provided by many medical centers in Moscow, but it is not always possible to put an equal sign between the words “paid services”, “paid ENT doctor” and “high quality”.

Certificates and licenses

Doctor Zaitsev's Clinic provides paid services for the treatment of children's ENT diseases with high quality, painlessness, using the most modern equipment. Our prices for procedures and treatment will compete with similar medical institutions in Moscow. Thousands of patients, including very young ones, have already been convinced of the quality of our services.

I express my sincere gratitude to: Bulynko Yana Evgenievna, Golovin Alexander Gennadievich, Segal Victoria Vladimirovna. I am glad that my son was lucky enough to be in the hands of these ...

I express my sincere gratitude to: Bulynko Yana Evgenievna, Golovin Alexander Gennadievich, Segal Victoria Vladimirovna. I am glad that my son was lucky in time to be in the hands of these wonderful doctors, real professionals in their field. They helped me get his hearing back. It was not scary with them, because their confidence in a positive outcome and a clear understanding of actions in any, even unforeseen situations, gave confidence that my child was in good and reliable hands. Their participation and desire to help, supported by their undeniable professional qualities, allow them to entrust their health and life! Many thanks for your noble work!

Good afternoon! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the pediatric otolaryngologist Segal Victoria Vladimirovna. Not only is this an excellent diagnostician, but also a first-class ...

Good afternoon! I would like to express my deep gratitude to the pediatric otolaryngologist Segal Victoria Vladimirovna. Not only is he an excellent diagnostician, but also a first-class surgeon! The child had adenoids removed in the most comfortable conditions at Medsi on Krasnaya Presnya.
My son, in my opinion, did not even understand that a serious operation was performed) According to the reviews of her other patients, the result is worth it, there are no relapses after the operation. Therefore, we also decided on the operation and did not regret it !!! Thanks again !!!

I express my deep gratitude to pediatric doctors Medsi Butovo Kim Elena Vilorievna (pediatrician) and Tarakhnova Tatyana Viktorovna (ENT) for their high Professionalism, the ability to find a common language even with the most ...

I express my deep gratitude to pediatric doctors Medsi Butovo Kim Elena Vilorievna (pediatrician) and Tarakhnova Tatiana Viktorovna (ENT) for their high professionalism, ability to find a common language even with the smallest children, accurate diagnosis in critical situations and
the appointment of modern methods of treatment. These are doctors from God, whom you trust the health of your children and you can always count on a human attitude.

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Segal Victoria Vladimirovna. We got to see her a year ago with the fifth otitis media in a year. The child's hearing began to fall. It was decided to remove the adenoids ...

I would like to express my deep gratitude to Segal Victoria Vladimirovna. We got to see her a year ago with the fifth otitis media in a year. The child's hearing began to fall. The decision was made to remove the adenoids. The son somehow immediately trusted the doctor, went to the examination with pleasure. And into the operating room
he walked calmly by the hand. Everything was at the highest level: doctors, nurses, ward. The operation was successful, the child recovered well and quickly from anesthesia, for which special thanks to the anesthesiologist. Two hours later asked for food. It was immediately noticeable that he hears well. In the evening they let us go home.
From the next day, appetite improved, lethargy disappeared, and became somehow more active. A year has passed, and I have never regretted that I trusted Victoria Vladimirovna. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! And, by the way, the son became much less ill, but he does not remember the operation, he does not really remember anything.
that I recommend this doctor to everyone !!!

- Wonderful Segal Victoria Vladimirovna, otorhinolaryngologist ...

With great respect, my daughter Nastya Gorovykh and I, we express our sincere gratitude to the specialists of the Medsi children's clinic in Blagoveshchensky lane:
- Wonderful Segal Victoria Vladimirovna, otorhinolaryngologist, for the professionally performed operation - adenotomy. Before and after the operation, Victoria Vladimirovna took care of us, monitored our condition and was in touch 24 hours a day)
- To the benevolent and sensitive Pivovarenko Elena Aleksandrovna, otorhinolaryngologist, for competent and accurate diagnosis. Elena Alexandrovna, a knowledgeable specialist, always treats us with heart. My daughter was never afraid of such procedures as endoscopy.
- Attentive and responsive Kolyada Valentina Viktorovna, pediatrician, for timely recommendations and referrals for examination. Valentina Viktorovna is always ready to listen to all the fears and concerns of the "anxious" mother) Recommends a competent treatment regimen, and communicates with her daughter on
one wave))))))
And also to the whole team of the operating base and the hospital of the KDC MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya for their understanding and warm attitude)))

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the children's Lor Tsalikova Zalina Ibragimovna. We have been going to her for help for 2 years already. Constantly otitis, then snot. Every time he saves, communicates affectionately with ...

I would like to express my deep gratitude to the children's Lor Tsalikova Zalina Ibragimovna. We have been going to her for help for 2 years already. Constantly otitis, then snot. Every time he saves, communicates affectionately with children. Children are not afraid of her and calmly go to the procedures. He will explain everything, tell everything!
Thank you very much!

With all my heart I express my gratitude to the surgeon Segal Victoria Vladimirovna for her highest professionalism and the successfully performed operation (adenotonsillotomy) to our son. For attentiveness and quivering ...

I sincerely express my gratitude to the surgeon Segal Victoria Vladimirovna for her highest professionalism and the successfully performed operation (adenotonsillotomy) to our son. For attentiveness and anxious attitude throughout the entire period of treatment before and after the operation,
attention and care. Thanks to the experience of Victoria Vladimirovna, the son easily underwent the operation and very quickly went on the mend.
Thanks to the whole team of "Medsi" on Blagoveshchensky lane. Your professionalism, experience, responsiveness, understanding, friendly and attentive attitude will dispel all fears and worries.
Special thanks to the wonderful doctors Tatiana Vyacheslavovna Semenycheva, Elena Vladimirovna Chaiko, Elena Aleksandrovna Pivovarenko for the timely detection of the disease and prompt referral to the experienced hands of an excellent specialist. Thanks for the moral and psychological
May your noble work bring health and joy to everyone. I wish you great success, happiness, wellbeing, health, prosperity and many more years.

I would like to express my gratitude to Natalia Alekseevna Kononova !!! Today I was with my son at the reception. For a long time we could not find the cause of the dry cough. Natalya Alekseevna examined my son, made a name ...

In specialized polyclinics and clinics, children's ENT is engaged in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx. As in many other cases, working with children with ENT diseases is very different from treating adult patients. The pediatrician is responsible for carrying out all kinds of surgical interventions, must know all the features of pediatric anesthesia, which is used not only during surgical procedures, but also during diagnostic examinations of the child's nasopharynx.

Like any doctor who deals with babies and adolescents, a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist studies the psychology of his young patients, knows how to work with those who have not reached the age of 16. Children's language and perception of reality are seriously different from that of an adult, but the doctor is obliged to understand at a glance what the kids say about their health problems.

What does a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist do?

It is more convenient for the kids in Moscow to call an uncle or aunt who alleviate suffering, help them breathe, hear, swallow, baby ears. It is he who determines the pathology:

  • oropharynx;
  • nasopharynx;
  • larynx;
  • ears.

During the consultation, the pediatric ENT doctor must examine the child using specialized equipment, collect anamnesis, diagnose and prescribe preventive measures or appropriate treatment. If necessary, any children's ENT offers mothers and fathers to conduct additional laboratory tests for the child, such as:

  • microbiological;
  • immunological;
  • cytological;
  • radiography.

When examining the ears, nose, throat, paranasal sinuses, larynx, tonsils, maxillary sinuses, diseases such as:

  • chronic tonsillitis or pharyngitis;
  • adenoids;
  • acute, chronic sinusitis, laryngitis, otitis media;
  • vasomotor rhinitis, sinusitis;
  • angina;
  • damage to the tympanic membrane, the presence of foreign bodies, sulfur plugs;
  • hearing loss and other diseases.

If possible, treatment is carried out directly during a consultation appointment with a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist, where you can:

  • rinse and treat the tonsils, nasopharynx, ear canals;
  • sucking mucus from the nose and so on.

During the examination of the baby in Moscow, the following can be identified:

  • cyst;
  • polyps of the nose;
  • adenoids;
  • sinusitis;
  • furuncle;
  • fungal infections;
  • curvature of the nasal septum and so on.

Sometimes diagnosis and treatment by a pediatric otorhinolaryngologist in Moscow may require instrumental intervention. In this case, there are problems of fear, resistance to examination, hysteria, and so on. Sometimes you have to involve a child psychiatrist. Among the studies in Moscow that simplify diagnostics, the following are popular:

  • cT scan;
  • DEPN (diagnostic endoscopy of the nasal cavity);
  • laryngostroboscopy;
  • audiometry;
  • impedance measurement;

What are the symptoms of a pediatric ENT doctor?

The peculiarities of diagnosing children are that a complaint about the condition may not be received at all. It all depends on what the pathology of the nasopharynx is. Parents should always be attentive to the capricious states of babies and seek advice from the children's ENT, if the baby;

  • eats poorly, cries constantly, shows anxiety;
  • does not respond to sounds;
  • complains of ear pain when swallowing;
  • breathes badly, and mucous discharge appears from the nose;
  • sleeps with open mouth, nasal when talking, wheezing or wheezing;
  • coughs with constant nasal congestion;
  • constantly picks up nasopharyngeal infections.

This is a list of the most common symptoms, in fact there are many more. The spectrum of pathological changes is very wide.

How to become a pediatric ENT doctor?

In almost all specialized educational institutions in Moscow, you can find a faculty or department that trains children's doctors, in particular, children's ENT doctors. It:

  • GBOU VPO RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogova;
  • Institute for advanced training of doctors of the National Medical and Surgical Center named after N.I. Pirogova;
  • RMAPO;
  • MMA them. I. M. Sechenov;
  • Federal State Institution "Educational and Scientific Medical Center" of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • GOU DPO Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education Roszdrav and many others.

Famous Moscow specialists

The first significant studies in the development of pediatrics were carried out by such famous medical scientists as Zybelin, Ambodik-Maksimovich, Novikov, Grum. In 1866, a specialized children's hospital was opened, the construction of which was carried out by Tolsky. Among the famous Russian pediatricians are Filatov, Korsakov, Filippov, Bystrov. We are indebted to Roshal, Botkin, Fedorov in the development of the pediatric ENT direction.

Every parent knows how many problems are caused by childhood diseases associated with the ears, throat or nose. Angina, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis, acute pharyngitis, adenoids, otitis media and a banal rhinitis - all these and many other diseases lie in wait for our children all year round. And this is no coincidence. It is through the nose, throat and ears that a significant proportion of infections enter our body. The mucous membrane that lines these organs takes the first blow of pathogens. Therefore, our general condition and well-being depends on the health of the ENT organs.

The peak of diseases occurs in late autumn, winter and spring, when immunity weakens. Negatively affects children's health and an unfavorable environmental situation, hereditary factors, lack of physical exercise in the fresh air, neglect of hardening procedures, a sedentary lifestyle and some other factors.

If the pediatric otolaryngologist does not prescribe the correct and timely treatment, many diseases can turn into a chronic stage, and complications to other organs (heart, joints, kidneys) are also possible.

Even a familiar, and at first glance, harmless rhinitis can develop into more serious ENT diseases in the future, such as acute sinusitis (sinusitis), acute frontal sinusitis, ethmoiditis, acute adenoiditis.

We must not forget that the cause of rhinitis in a child may be a foreign body in the nose, which may not be noticed by the parents. Therefore, do not underestimate the importance of a timely visit to such a specialist as a good pediatric ENT.

Children's ENT doctor in Moscow - when should you contact?

Children are not always able to formulate what exactly hurts them. Many of them prefer to endure mild pain, thus avoiding a visit to the clinic - even a good ENT in Moscow is scary for a child by definition. This happens especially often if the previous visit to the doctor (which has to do with anyone) left unpleasant or painful memories in the child. Therefore, parents should pay attention not only to direct complaints from children, but also to symptoms such as:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, a feeling of pressure inside the nasal cavity;
  • change in smell;
  • hearing impairment;
  • change of voice;
  • headache combined with weakness and memory loss;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose;
  • complaints of pain in the ears after a cold;
  • profuse rhinitis that does not go away for more than 7 days;
  • suspicious discharge from the nose or ears, including blood or pus;
  • any chronic diseases of the ENT organs, even if they are not accompanied by acute pain.

If you feel that your child has acute or developed chronic diseases of the ear, throat and nose, as well as the larynx, esophagus or trachea, including injuries and neoplasms of these organs, a paid otorhinolaryngologist (children's doctor) will come to your aid clinic of Doctor Zaitsev.

Why is it worth contacting our ENT clinic?


A lot depends on a competently made diagnosis and timely treatment - the services of a pediatric ENT should be provided only by high-class specialists. It is not worth saving on this. Our paid pediatric otolaryngologists have extensive experience in practical and scientific work. This is a doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences Vladimir Mikhailovich Zaitsev.

Modern equipment

Even a good pediatric otolaryngologist (who provides services for a fee or for free) can be limited in the methods of diagnosis and treatment if the clinic does not have the appropriate medical equipment.

Friends! Timely and correct treatment will provide you with a speedy recovery!

The clinic of Doctor Zaitsev is equipped with the latest technology, including the "Fotek" radio wave surgery apparatus; otoscope HEINE Beta 200 R (Germany); diagnostic audiometer Interacoustics AD 226 (Denmark); Sinuskan 103, Oriola (Finland); a device for magnetic-infrared laser therapy "RIKTA" and many others;

Convenient appointment time

Children's ENT is an appointment when it is necessary for the child and convenient for his parents. We work six days a week and are always happy to see our patients!

Variety of techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of ENT diseases

All methods have been tested by the leading doctors of the clinic of Doctor Zaitsev for many years.

After the initial consultation with a paid pediatrician, you will be offered a treatment regimen and, if necessary, will be offered a full course of modern and effective treatment.

Most of the methods are designed for outpatient treatment, so your child does not have to go to the hospital, which means that he does not need to miss a visit to kindergarten or school.

All the methods of treatment used in our clinic are officially approved for use in treatment.

In order for the recovery to be quick, and the resulting effect - long and stable, classical methods of treatment are combined with physiotherapy procedures.

The main thing that the doctors of our clinic pay attention to is that only the most effective and painless methods of treatment are used in the treatment.

Minimal discomfort during examination and treatment.

Children, especially young children, are often afraid of going to the doctor, fearing that he will hurt them. Modern equipment at the clinic of Doctor Zaitsev, as well as attentive doctors, paid services (examinations and treatment) allow you to carry out the most painlessly and at the same time very effectively.

Individual approach to each patient

This factor is especially important in the treatment of children, because the patient's further attitude towards the doctor and often his behavior in adulthood depends on how much the doctor is able to instill confidence in the child: will he carefully monitor his health, periodically undergoing preventive examinations, or will he become delay until the last and avoid a visit to the clinic because of childhood fears and unpleasant memories.

Our doctors can find a common language with every little patient, inspire his confidence and allay fears.

Affordable prices

An initial consultation in our clinic costs 1,500 rubles. The rest of the prices for services can be found both on the clinic's website and by calling our clinic on the registration phone.

Convenient location

The ENT Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev is located in the very center of Moscow, a four-minute walk from the Paveletskaya (Koltsevaya) metro station.

On our website there is a detailed schematic map, a selection of photos illustrating the route to the ENT clinic, as well as a video on the topic: "How to get to the Clinic of Doctor Zaitsev."

Welcome to the specialized ENT Clinic of Dr. Zaitsev!

We are always happy to help you and your baby!