The plan-abstract classes on the environment (preparatory group) on the topic: Abstract Node according to the rules of the road in the preparatory for school the topic: "The street is full of surprises. Abstract Entertainment Node on traffic rules for children of the preparatory group

NOD on traffic rules in the preparatory group "Dunno"

"Road rules to know each it is necessary"

Purpose: Consolidation of road rules in order to prevent road traffic injuries.


Educational : summarize the knowledge of children about the rules of road traffic and behavior on the street; systematize knowledge of road signs, their appointment; Fasten knowledge about the role of traffic light.

Developing: bring to the consciousness of children, which can lead to a violation of traffic rules; Promote the development of attention, dexterity, mixtalks, the ability to work in the team. Activation of the dictionary: traffic lights, road signs, crossroads, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, railway crossing, etc ..

Educational: contribute to the upbringing of a competent pedestrian; Answer the feelings of friendship and good relationship to each other.

Equipment and materials: ICT, "Crossroads", traffic lights, soft modules, DD signs, Posters with traffic rules, cut cards with road signs, letter, interactive board, chips.

Preliminary work. Excursion to the road, conversations with children about road rules, learning poems, songs, reading fiction - N.Nosov "Car", with Mikhalkov "My Street".

Move. Postman brought a letter to the group.


Guys, we received a letter from the inhabitants of the country of traffic lights. Let's find out what's in it.

" Hello children. We, road signs, are in trouble. In our country, the traffic lights appeared some boy who threw all the road signs and because of which permanent accidents occur. Need ambulance, help out! "

Yes, as you can see, a big misfortune happened. Without road signs, traffic lights and clear strict rules are very difficult and machines, and pedestrians. Do you agree to help the residents of the country of traffic lights?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Well, then we will not waste time and go on the road. And the pointers will help us to get to this country.

We leave from the group and approach the arrow signs to the hall, collecting road signs along the way.

Leading. Here we are in the country of traffic lights(looks around).

A boy on the scooter leaves on the intersection and, violating the rules of DD, rides on the road.

Lead. Look guys, here he is the culprit of all the troubles. Have you recognized him?

Right. This is our old familiar Stubed.

Boy. And where do you know me?

Children: We read a lot about you and know about all your troubles.

Leading: And today we have no coincidence that appeared. To our kindergarten came a letter from your country's inhabitants with a request for help. That's what they told us:

Suddenly the transitions disappeared,

Pedestrians cry bitterly:

How to choose the path to us

Where the way go,

Traffic light not "traffic light",

That's what it is grief! "

True, look, guys, the traffic light does not work!

Stubed. Why is it needed? Only prevents me to ride where I want. So I broke it so that he did not burn.

Leading. Look, there are no signs! Oh, Stubed, from all your misfortunes that you still do not know anything, including traffic rules.

Stubed. Why do I need to know them? I'll get it without them!

Leading. Now check. Tell me, please, how should I go around the street?

Stubed. Yes, as I want, so I turn!



After all, around the city, on the street

Do not go just like that.

When you do not know the rules,

Easy to get to you.

All the time be attentive

And remember in advance:

His rules have

Chauffeur and pedestrian.

Leading. We found the road signs of your country.

Now we will repair the traffic lights, put the signs and tell our familiar about traffic rules.

Turn on the traffic light. Children arrange signs at the crossroads.

Leading. Remember, Stubed, the basic rule.

Pooh (reads a child)

Stepping carefully, after watching the street

And only where you can

Her go.

Pedestrian, pedestrian,

Remember you about the transition!

Know that only the transition

From trouble will save you!

We offer Stubé to stay with us.

Lead. And in order to be more interesting, let's share for two teams and sorry, which of you knows the rules of DD. Come up with name to your teams. (for example - red, green)

Children are divided into two teams and searge on chairs.

Lead. Evaluate the answers will be chips: red and greens. And we will also help the magic screen. It will only leave the right answers. So we will find out who answered right who is not.

Question questions alternately teams.

1. What is the road?

2. Who are called the driver?

3. Who are called a pedestrian?

4. What is the name of the part of the road, where only pedestrians go?

5. What is the name of the part of the street where two roads intersect?

6. What is Zebra on the road?

7. Where do people wait for passenger transport?

8. Where do children play outside?

Pooh (reads a child)

Road rules in the light of a lot,

He would not hurt them to learn

But the main of the traffic rules

Know how the table must multiply:


On the pavement do not play, do not ride

If you want to stay healthy!

9. Where is the passage of machines on the road part of the road?

10. Which way to see first when moving the road?

11. Which traffic signal can be moved to the street?

12. What machines can ride a red traffic light signal?

(13. Why should a child keep a hand at the transport stop?)

Leading. Well done! Well answered questions. Before calculating points, let's break and play a little and play.

Fizkultminutka "Traffic light" (for the music)

Red light tells us:

Pave! Dangerous! The way is closed!

Yellow light warning:

Wait for the signal for moving.

The green light opened the road:

Return guys can!

Guys! On the red light you need to walk on the spot

On yellow clap in your hands

and on green - running on the spot.

(The tutor shows different colors of the traffic light)

Game "Find a couple"-Look to play steadbed.

(Cards with the image of road signs cut in half. Children should find a pair to get a whole sign and call its meaning. If the correctly named, the image of this sign will appear on the screen).

The relay "Who is faster"

(Two commands. Task: Gently run between kegles with a wheel in hand, take a card with the image of a road sign. One team takes the prohibiting signs, other information. At the end of the relay, check the correctness of the cards. Wins the one who fulfilled the task correctly and quickly).

Song to the music of the blue car.

1. If you went somewhere in the road

Do not forget to remember traffic rules,

Observing strictly these rules

Take your hand you misfortune.


Remember, remember

On the road in the way

Another for you always

Serves traffic lights

If green light

Suddenly break up

Boldly go go

And the stop machines.

2. Well, if the red boyko promo,

Certainly you are stopped

Do not rush, friend,

Please do not hurry

Green light wait.

Then we consider points.

Leading. Well done boys! You know the traffic rules well. We hope that Stubbi is also benefited - he remembered the necessary rules. And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. But for this you need to find a safe road. Look, what sign does this sign indicate?

(One door hangs the "pedestrian movement is prohibited", in the other - "Pedestrian Track")

Node Abstract in the preparatory group by road rules

Topic: "Attention, road"

Software content:

1. Learning to follow the rules of the road: to move the street in the specified places (on the pedestrian walkway) and in accordance with the traffic lights.

2. To acquaint children with road signs, such as a pedestrian crossing, pedestrian movement is prohibited, a bicycle path, entry is prohibited.

3. Develop the speech of children: learn correctly, to answer questions with full answers, guess the riddles, to expressively tell the poems.

Enrichment of the dictionary: road rules, traffic lights, pedestrian walkway (zebra), road signs.

4. Rail in children a culture of behavior on the street.

Prior work: Reading poems about road rules, viewing road signs, conversation about road rules.

Travel course.

Educator: Children, what kinds of transport do you know? (children's responses).

And now, guess the riddles:

He rides on two wheels, what a mute house,

It does not raise on the slopes, the windows are light circle,

And there is no gasoline in the tank. Wears rubber shoes

This is mine ... (bike). But feeds gasoline.


By bad ... (road) will not leave.

Two brothers run - and two catch up. (Car)

To help you, friend,

The way to go dangerous

Day and night burn lights:

Green, yellow, red. (Traffic light)

Educator: What do you need to know when you are on the road? (as a pedestrian, as a driver). (children's responses)

That's right, road rules, abbreviated traffic rules.

Here we go, and ahead - the road. How to go correctly to not get under the car? (children's responses.)

The teacher clarifies and summarizes the answers of children: we go through the road only by a pedestrian crossing (according to Zebra)

And who helps us go to the street? (Post, traffic light)

Game "Traffic light"

The teacher chooses one child to read, and he becomes a "traffic light" and puts it back to the rest of the children. Do not turn around, the "traffic light" calls any color. If a player can find any item of the named colors (clothes, hairpins, and the like things), then he can take on this object with his hand and calmly move through the road. If nothing suitable is found to find, then the players do not have anything else remains, except to try running to get on the other side of the "road", without running out of its limits. The "traffic light" should catch the violators, trying to osal them. The violator, which touched the "traffic light", becomes a "traffic light".

Educator: And now I will show you road signs, and you will answer how this sign is called and what he says to us.

Signs: "Pedestrian crossing, bicycle path, pedestrian movement is prohibited, entry is prohibited"

Children call signs, tell what they mean. The educator helps children, clarifies and summarizes the answers of children, praises the most active.

Educator: Children, in our class there is a traffic police officer and he is given a word.

The employee praises children for knowledge of traffic rules and offers all those present children to dedicate to pedestrians.

An employee reads a pedestrian oath, and then the children say: "I swear" 3 times.

Pedestrian oath: "I swear to be attentive, never hurry and do not play on the road. Always follow the rules of the road: to move the street only on the green light of the traffic light and on the pedestrian crossing "

Children: I swear, I swear, I swear!

Traffic police officer: Here you are now real pedestrians, but while you still go to the d / garden across the road you need to move tightly holding the hand of an adult: Mom, dad and others. Bye for now!

Educator: On this, our occupation is completed, but we will continue to continue the study of road signs and rules of traffic rules.

Name: Abstract Node on traffic rules in the preparatory group "Road rules are completely not difficult!"
Nomination: Kindergarten, abstracts of classes, nodes, traffic rules, preparatory school group

Position: Papers of Preschool Children
Place of work: MDOU № 60 "Spark"
Location: Republic of Sakha Yakutia, Neryungri

Abstract of directly educational activities.

Education area: "Speech Development", "Socialization".

Age group: 5-6 years

Subject: "Road rules are completely not difficult!".

  • Consolidate children's knowledge about traffic lights and its signals;
  • Systematize kids knowledge about road signs;
  • Develop the ability to compile deployed responses to the assigned question;
  • Raise a desire to play speech games;
  • Educating independence, activity, friendliness in the game.

Equipment: Kuzya Domotnok with a small bag of happiness, transport lighting and pedestrian traffic light, a pedestrian crossing mark, Zebra markup on the floor, vehicles (cars, a motorcycle, truck), commensurate child growth, ball, suit of controller, whistle.

Travel course.

Educator: Guys! Today, in such a good day, our friend looked at the guests with you - Kuzya Domunok! He was in our city visiting, see - he even bought himself a ball to have fun in his village and play. And the Domunok brought us such an interesting bag of happiness, thank him?

Children: Sure. Thanks Kuzya!

Educator: Let's eat our fingers with you, and play the Gymnastics "Happiness"

Finger gymnastics "Happiness"

Educator: But Kuzya saddled a bit! The fact is that grandfather brought him to the city, but he will have to get home back home. And Kuzya is very worried, he fears the many cars, and of course the Giant Light, and many more signs incomprehensible to him. Guys, how do we cheer the domain?

Children: Kuzya we will help you and take you to the village! And tell everything about signs and traffic lights!

Educator: Kuzya, and so that you are not afraid, we spend you and explain everything! Just need to remember the one rule:

Around the city, on the street,

Do not go just like that!

When you do not know the rules,

easy to get to you.

All the time be attentive

And remember in advance:

His rules have

Chauffeur and pedestrian!

Come to the imitated roadway

Educator: Here is Kuzya, we have the real passing part, and we will show you with the guys how to behave correctly.

Boys you will be the most real motorists. What is the name of the person who drives the car?

Didactic game "Who drives what?"

Educator: Well, drivers - choose and occupy transport. Guys, also on our road must be attended by a person who regulates movement, and call it Adjuster.

Educator: It means the regulator we will have ___. ( dress up the costume of the controller) The Adjustment with us follows the order on the road, follows the rules of the road. And still watching the traffic lights working correctly!

Child - the adjustor takes his place

on the road - roadway.

Educator: And with you, Kuzya and with our girls are also participants in the movement - we are pedestrians, and we can only walk on the sidewalk, and not to run into the roadway!

Guys, but Kuzya does not even know why there are two traffic lights here, and why they are so different - on one 2 colors and it is small, the second is large, and there are 3 colors on it. I need to explain to him!

Children or adjustment: Traffic light with 2 colors for pedestrians, and large, with 3 colors - for motorists. When a red light is on the traffic lights on pedestrians - you need to stand:

If the red light burns,

This means the way is closed!

And when green light burns on the traffic lights for pedestrians - you can move the road:

And green light burns

This means the way is open!

Educator: Kuzya, look - the cars do not go just like that - the chauffeur is surely followed by the traffic light!

Gaming activities "Road Movement" - Adjustable - a child shows green or red light on the traffic light, and motorists are followed by traffic lights and move across the signal.

Educator: Well, since we dealt with the work of the traffic light, then we, pedestrians, you can also start moving! Let's go guys go through the road.

Come to a deliberately interesting place

Educator: Now we wait until the red light turns around and you can move the road!

Children: It is impossible! Going the road to the green light! There is also no pedestrian crossing! You can go through the road only on Zebra!

Come to the pedestrian crossing

Educator: And the sign of the guys why? And what does it mean?

Children: Sign for drivers. He means that it is necessary to stop here and you can go to pedestrians!

Educator: Correctly guys, and more Kuzya Before moving the road, you need to remember the important rule:

Say speech workout together with children

Consider the road to the left

See next to the right,

And we go on Zebra boldly,

Lightflow Thank you!

Educator: Pedestrians, and you remind the body, how do you need to move the road?

Educator specifically drops Kuzy

Children: You need to go a quiet step, not distracted and not run. If the ball has gone, then it is impossible to run behind him, you need to reach the end of the road and only then raise it.

Educator: Well, for a cousin, you understand how to behave on the carriageway? And you will no longer be afraid one follow home?

Guys, let's finally say the Kuze about the rules of the road:

Say speech workout together with children

Road rules

Almost not difficult!

Need to teach them

And adults and guys!

Educator: Well, you guys, you are well done, Kuzya will now calmly go to her village, because we explained to him so much that he is now definitely not lost and will come to visit us from the village himself!

Abstract Entertainment Node according to the rules of the road traffic "Traveling around the country"

Kozyreva Oksana Viktorovna, educator MADOU "Kindergarten №19. Blagoveshchensk", Amur region
Description of the material: I offer you an abstract of direct educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6 - 7 years old) on the topic "Traveling around the country". This material can be useful for educators of the senior and preparatory group. This abstract of cognitive content and is aimed at raising interest in children to road rules.
Purpose: Systematize children's knowledge of road rules.
1. Fastening in children through various types of knowledge about the rules of road traffic, various types of transport and traffic lights.
2. Intensify the thinking of children through: development of the ability to define problems based on the problem; development in children's ability to create a conceived product; Develop visual memory, attention, curiosity.
3. Intensify the speech of children, through the development of the ability to organize their actions and actions of others.
4. Develop independence and ability to interact with peers.
5. To educate interest in learning traffic rules: caution, independence, careful attitude to their health, to others, to cultural behavior on the street.
Preliminary work: learning of physical attacks "We are chasters"; Reading poems on road rules, conversations using a series of cards "Safety on the road", coloring of coloring by traffic rules; Consider posters "Road signs".
Guide to the activities of children:
1. Meetings of the objectives of the goals and motivation of the activities of children: a sur-community, creating a problem situation, the opportunity to express ways to solve.
2. Receptions intensifying the activities of children in the Process Node: Conversation, Games, Creating a Problem Situation, Analysis and Conclusions, Physkultminutka.
3. Receptions of the organization of practical activities of children: organization of productive activities.
4. Meetings of maintaining interest in children: game situations, planning, physical education pause, alternating types of children's activities, the possibility of using personal experience.
5. Acceptance of assessments and self-assessments: Encouragement, mutual assistance of children, discussion.
Forms and types of children's activities Node:
1. Game (surprise moment The arrival of the road inspector).
2. Motor (use of physical attacks).
3. Communicative (guessing mysteries to children and conversation).
4. Productive (sticking the part based on the basis).
5. Cognitive.
6. Reading (poems).
Technologies used by teacher in the event.
1 technologies of personal-oriented interaction of pedage gogh with children.
A) Pedagogical support, the provision of operational assistance teacher in solving problem situations.
B) self-expression by the child inherent in the qualities and abilities.
C) Implementation of the possibility of choice, which gives the opportunity to re-show its activity.
2 game technology.
A) games (educational, didactic, verbal, intellectual)
3. Heating technology.
A) The technology of preserving and stimulating health (moving and sports games).
B) the technology of aesthetic orientation (registration of the group by PDD posters).
C) Music influence technology (musical accompanied).
D) ensuring emotionally psychological comfort and positive attitude of the child for sustainable interaction with peer and teacher and traffic inspector.
4. Information and communication technologies.
Equipment: multimedia equipment, audio equipment. Drawn signs, light layout, cutting pictures with the image of transport (cargo and passenger), city layout. For appliqués: glue, green mugs, yellow, red. Caps in the colors of traffic lights (red, yellow, green);
Expected results.
1. The ability to anticipate and call potentially dangerous situations on the street.
2. Manifestation of emotional responsiveness.
3. Development of free communication with adults and peers,
4. Activation of the mental activity of children.
5. Development of the ability to create conceived products.
Criteria for evaluation:
1. Activity.
2. Emotionality.
3. perseverance in finding out of the problem situation.
4. Argumentation of their statement and action.
5. Interaction with NOD participants.
Integration of educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Artistic Creativity", "Physical Culture", "Health", "Music", "Reading Artistic Literature".

Node move:

Educator: Hey guys come up
Look at each other
Say hello palms
Smile a little long. (Used welcome reception).
Educator: What is your mood?
Children: Good.
Educator: The arrival at the police officer's kindergarten. Guys who came to us? (The method and reception is a surprise moment).
Children: policeman.
Educator: That's right, it's not just a policeman, but a traffic inspector.
Educator: And what do you think, what does he do?
Children: He follows the order on the road.
Educator: That's right, well done! The road inspector monitors the rules of the road on the roads so that no one has broken them, nor the driver nor a pedestrian. (Used acceptance acceptance).
Educator:Who can be called road users?
Children:These are pedestrians, passengers, drivers
Educator:That's right guys.
"Dear Guys! Papus flew to us in the city with the cartoon "Fiksikov". He enchanted all our traffic lights and hid all our transport in the black box, help, please argue our traffic lights and return our transport to us! ".
Educator: Guys do you agree to help traffic inspector?
Children: Yes.
Educator: How to help your suggestions?
Children: You need to find a fix "Papus".
Educator: How will we look for it?
Children: on the map.
Traffic warden: Guys, there is no map, he left a letter to you, and asked to pass interesting tests so that you could get to it.
Educator: Will help the road inspector?
Children: Yes.
Traffic warden: To the first test of "Papus" sent pictures not simple, with riddles.
Educator: Well, what are you ready to guess riddles?
Children: Yes.
Traffic warden: I rush, hold on the wires -
I will never get borrowed. (Used by the feature of the artistic word).
Children: Trolleybus.
Inspector: Does not fly, not buzzing, the beetle on the street runs,
And the eyes of the beetle are burning, two shiny lights.
Children: car, car.
Inspector: The house on the street goes, everyone is lucky to work,
Not on thin bitches, but in rubber boots.
Educator: That's right, well done guys! (The tutor puts pictures on a magnetic board)
Guys, but Trolleybus, bus, car called in one word? What?
Children: Transport.
Educator: And what kind of modes do you know?
Children: Ground, air, water, underground, rail.
Inspector: Well done boys. I suggest the second test, play your favorite verbal game "Name, in one word."
Educator: Let's play?
Children: Yes.
Inspector: I will call transport, and you tell me what kind of type it applies.
The helicopter, the plane is ...
Children: air.
Inspector: Boat, boat - this ...
Children: water transport.
Inspector: Train, tram is ..
Children: railway transport
Inspector: Bus, route taxi is ..
Children: Passenger transport.
Inspector:Well done! Well know different types of transport. Third testing, I propose to ride cars. Guys, probably, it's interesting to drive a car, tell me, and you can now be chauffeur? Why? And adult people can all be drivers? Why?
Children: To drive a car, you need to learn, you need to get the rights and others.
Educator: Of course, you can not manage a real car yet, but we can fantasize and play. Want to?. Fizkultminutka "We are the chaufferes."
We are going, we are going on the car
(driving movement)
Click on pedal
(Bend foot in the knee, pull out)
Gas turn on, turn off
(lever turn to yourself, from myself)
We look intently in the distance
(palm to forehead)
Ukrainian wipers score
Right, Left - Clean!
Hair erschit wind
(with fingers to climb hair)
We are chasters at least where!
(big finger right hand up)
Inspector: The following task. Take the steers and go to ride cars. Started. Go.
(Performed songs with a show on ICT "We are going, we go, we go, in the distant edges ..")

Inspector: Guys, let's go out and see what happened? This is an accident. Two cars collided on the road, they fall apart. Let's collect them and repair them so that they can ride "Collect the picture."
Children make part of the car. And the two captains collect machines using ICT.
Inspector: Well done, helped passenger and cargo cars. What do you think the accident happened on the road?
Children: Because the traffic light did not work.
Educator: The traffic light is our main assistant on the street, know and understand his signals is very important. And how many eyes have a traffic light?
Children: three.
Educator: What does a red traffic light signal mean?
Children:need to stand.
Educator: What does the yellow traffic light signal mean?
Children: Prepare to move.
Educator: So the green traffic light signal means?
Children: go.
Three colors have a traffic light
They are understandable for the chauffeur:
Red light - no drive.
Yellow - be ready for the path.
And the green light is Kati!
Inspector: Next test. You need to tell the poems about the traffic light.
Baby girl in a hat with a red window
If in the window red lit:
"Stop! Do not rush! "- He says.
Red, light - go dangerous,
Do not ride yourself in vain.
Baby boy in a hat with a yellow window.
If, suddenly the yellow boots winds up,
Wait, wait a little.
Baby girl in a hat with a green window.
If green is burning in the window,
It is clear that the Pedestrian path is open.
Green light suddenly
Now we can go.
You, traffic light, good friend
Chofors and passersby.
Inspector: Guys, and what on the streets of the city, is there still, except traffic lights, houses?
Children: To be convenient, there is a markup on the road.
For sidewalks, people (pedestrians) are moving, for people who enjoy public transport here stopping.
On the streets indicated space for transitions and many road signs.
Inspector: Next, play the game "Be careful."
If the light fell red,
It means to move ... dangerous
Light green says:
Go through the way .... Open
Yellow light - warning.
Wait for the signal for ... Movement.
Rules explain: When I show the green traffic light (there is a green circle with a diameter of 10 cm), you are marching on the spot when yellow (the yellow circle is detected with a diameter of 10 cm) - clap into your hands when the red circle is detected with a diameter of 10 cm) - stand motionless.
Well, well done, coped.
Inspector:Guys, we came up with you to the city to fixists. Let's see what happened there?
Children: Suitable to the city layout, consider empty streets, traffic lights and discuss what happened to them.
Inspector: But the black box, but it is closed, how do we open it? On the box inscription there is "for transport to you to get, you need to argue traffic lights."
There are no signal lights on the traffic lights guys, let's decold them. Guys, help in this Papus fix.
Children: let's. Guys, stick to the lights of the lights and put them on the layout.
Open the box, get transport and exhibit it on the layout. On the layout there should be a driving part of the road, pedestrian crossings, airport, intersection, railway track, hospital, fire station, police.
Inspector:Well done, helped residents of the town called in it, and as a sign of gratitude, Fixik Papus gives you glowing badges.
Did you like the guys to pass the test?
Thank you guys who taught me the rules of the road. And now I have time. Waiting for me new things. Bye!
Educator: Guys! I am sure each of you will now not violate the rules of the road and will even give an example with his younger brothers and sisters.
Thanks to the road inspector, which could have been able to deal with the rules of the road.
I wish you never to violate the rules of the road. To meetings, my little friends!