Indigo children. Gift of fate or punishment? When Indigo Children Are Born

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Unusual Indigo children differ from the ordinary child in that they have the ability to determine the future and give predictions from birth. The term was introduced by a psychic, but does not yet have a scientific basis. Official science does not recognize the fact of the uniqueness of such children with increased level spiritual life, therefore it is impossible to say with certainty whether there is any secret associated with these babies.

Who are the indigo children

For the first time the term "indigo man" or indigo child was introduced by a psychic from America Nancy Ann. With this concept, she designated children with an indigo aura. According to Nancy, the baby from birth already possesses unusual abilities, he has a highly developed intellect, sensitivity, telepathy. According to psychics and esotericists, such children represent a new race of people with a unique task, they are called upon to save human civilization, which has reached a dead end in its development. Today, about 1% of people with a blue aura are found worldwide.

Generation indigo

In the early 1980s, the concept of "indigo child" was first used in America. It can be identified by the glow of the aura in an unusual blue color. Such kids differ from their peers in a more developed sensitivity, they are able to guess the future and bring only good and bright things into the world. Child psychologists say that this is a pseudoscientific term, it is too mystified, and extraordinary babies are understood as ordinary spoiled children, whose parents want to be sure that their baby is a genius. Psychological and mental problems arise from this.

Esotericists believe that the generation with a dark blue aura is more mature than their parents. They know something special about themselves, carry a special mission, have proto-memories - scraps of memory from past lives. Such people are already born mature personalities, it is useless to educate them, so teachers and educators have problems applying old teaching methods to them. Kids absorb knowledge instantly, but quickly switch to something else.


Many books are devoted to this phenomenon. They contain and signs of indigo children, by which you can recognize the unique abilities of a personality:

  • royalty, overestimated self-esteem already at a young age;
  • low sociability, introversion, maybe autism;
  • individualism, rejection of the authority of adults;
  • the manifestation of unique creative inclinations, the acquisition of knowledge empirically;
  • attention deficit, energy, restlessness;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • high intelligence;
  • heightened sense of fairness and responsibility;
  • developed intuition in different directions, rapid mastering of new digital technologies.

When Indigo Children Are Born

Japanese researchers have conducted many tests, as a result of which it was found that an indigo child is born after the stresses of a global scale and the strongest trials that have befallen humanity. Their years of birth end in 4 and 5 (2004-2005, 2014-2015). A pattern has been revealed that unique personalities are not born in countries with nationality large families, but only in those where families raise 1-2 babies. During pregnancy, mothers experience a special feeling, the understanding that an unusual creature is growing inside.

Features of education

Indigo boy and girl need special methods of upbringing. The job of parents is to develop their skills and not extinguish creative skills. Useful Tips for parents to understand this phenomenon:

  • treat them with respect, do not put pressure on them with authority or question their abilities;
  • help take independent decisionsbut watch out for discipline;
  • provide freedom of choice;
  • do not humiliate them and do not lie;
  • explain your decision to the kid;
  • treat them as a partner in terms of education;
  • build a sense of security;
  • develop creativity;
  • give out physical energy;
  • listen to them.

How many live

According to research scientists, indigo people do not differ in life expectancy from ordinary representatives of humanity.There are known cases of longevity, but they all do not go beyond the framework of standard society. Growing up, people with the indigo phenomenon become invisible, hide from others. They prefer to form groups, but do not marry, do not marry, and do not have children.

Indigo children predictions

Since the discovery of the phenomenon, indigo children were nominated a large number of predictions of the future near and distant plan... Here are some examples:

  • Indigo's prediction of the September 11 tragedy in the United States. Boy from Volgograd region saw that two buildings crumble to dust.
  • A resident of the Chelyabinsk region, the boy Slava predicts that a world war is coming, which will end with "the sky will burn", and the Chinese will attack the Russians.
  • By the end of 2025, the loss of 2/3 of the planet's food and fresh water supply is promised, and it is predicted that universal chipping will lead to the decline of nations.
  • There are predictions about the introduction of psychological weapons by the Americans, the displacement of the Russians by the Chinese, the sterilization of the Russian population, the replacement orthodox churches pagodas.
  • Many kids see themselves in past life, begin to speak several languages, talk about the origin of mankind.
  • Some indigo predictions don't come true. It was said that in 2006 and 2013. the poles of the Earth will change places, and this will end in disaster, but this did not happen.


The very concept of “ indigo children"Has often been dismissed as pseudoscientific and unproven, but many of us on Earth feel that we are somehow different from other people and cannot explain why. CNN's Andreson Cooper even gave a special talk on Indigo Children, a documentary produced by Doreen Werche and shown in over 350 churches and health centers in 2006.

An increasing number of people realize their true nature and understand that they are experiencing another incarnation on Earth in order to offer their gifts to the world and make it better.

In this documentary, the elders of the Hopi tribe explained that we are still able to repair the damage done to the planet and create new worldbased on love and harmony, but only if we are aware of our unity, they also added that indigo children will play important role in healing the earth.

How to define an indigo person in yourself?

So how do you find out are you an indigo child? These 10 signs will give you the answer:

1. You were born in 1978 or later, but at the same time you have an unusual wisdom.

You will realize the true nature of the world, hidden behind the current paradigm of money gain, greed, power, war, poverty and more. You understand that the benefits of this world are much broader than we can imagine, you often feel that your soul has already been embodied many times before, the so-called concept of an "old soul".

2. You are decisive, independent and not subject to authority.

You like to think for yourself, come up with answers to your own questions, and live your life subject to your own personal set of rules. Because of your inherent trait of going your own way and rejecting accepted doctrines, you may have been considered a troublemaker and problem child in the past.

3. You may have been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD due to attention or social problems.

During your time in school, you did not obey people in positions of authority, did not fit your social environment, and experienced extreme boredom or indifference to the subjects you were taught. People around you often do not understand you and wonder why you cannot just follow the program and do as you are told. However, you can clearly see a lot of wrong attitudes in modern society and would never dream of joining a world that is so blind to the truth.

4 you are extremely creative and eccentric

Do you love to draw, write, dance or otherwise express yourself with the help different types arts. At school, you literally choked and regretted that you could not devote time to your favorite hobbies instead of listening to boring lectures.

5. You feel isolated in socially and you may not have very many close friends.

You feel like you just can't relate to others because of their inability to see what is hidden behind the veil, so most likely spend time alone and alone or working using your creativity and intuition, bestowed by nature. You know that people born to change the world have a difficult path to go, but the results will be worth it.

6. You have a high IQ and great intuition.

You often experience emotional overload in a bright and noisy environment and only wait for the moment when you find yourself in a world of complete tranquility and silence in nature. You may have been referred to by the term "empath" because of your unique psychic abilities and problems in noisy, crowded, and chaotic environments. Perhaps because of this you have been diagnosed with anxiety disorder or depression.

7. You reject social norms and want people to see the truth.

You don't have the patience to live by traditional scenario: buy, sell, go to school, then get a job and just become one of the numbers in the computer base. You could care less about the status quo and carve your own paths in life, despite popular belief. You know that just because everyone is doing something doesn't mean they are doing it right.

8. Many people just don't understand you.

You may have been told in the past that you are selfish, disobedient, and take on a lot. Your parents and teachers simply did not realize that your spiritual and emotional needs were not being met. You withdraw into yourself and enjoy loneliness due to the feeling that you are not understood. You have high self-esteem and you know your personal needs have greater importancethan the needs of influencers who are in no rush to understand you.

9. You get along well with animals and experience great feeling compassion for all living beings.

As you realize that all life on this planet is sacred, probably since early age you become vegan or vegetarian.

10. Most of all, you are overwhelmed with the desire to make this world a better place.

You have an irresistible determination to make lasting change despite all the challenges you face. You want to create a world where all life can flourish, and you will not listen to those who will try to prevent you from fulfilling your great mission of healing the Earth.

Don't think you're alone on yours spiritual path, many of us are indigo children and we all have an unbreakable bond with each other. Remember this every time you feel confused or lonely, because all our joint efforts will have great importance at the end.

Any kind of kindness or friendship you show towards other people makes this planet a little better, and if you can get at least one person to smile or feel loved, then you have already contributed. We hope that the article answered the question. indigo man how to define ?

Incredible facts

Surely each of us has heard about the so-called Indigo children.

But what kind of people are theywhat qualities they possess, few know. First, let's try to figure out who the Indigo children are.

Who are the Indigo children

The Indigo Child is essentially a renewed plan for humanity. This term arose when referring to the colors of the aura of a special person.

Typically, our aura consists of different shades rainbow, but in the aura of indigo children, the royal blue colorsetting a course change for all of humanity.

Indigo Children are gifted souls with a clear mission on planet Earth. They are ready to challenge everyone and change our reality. They were first spoken about in the 70s of the last century.

In addition to mental awareness, they have a creative perception of this world and are driven by more global ideas and goals that go beyond the framework and rules established by society.

Their mission is to shake modern world and prepare the ground for future generations to create a harmonious and whole world.

Signs of Indigo Children

Test yourself for the following 13 signs. Suddenly you are the one who belongs to this rare group of people on Earth.

1. You feel isolated

From the moment you are born, you feel special. More precisely, you know for sure that you are special.

2. You are meant to be right here and right now

You are confident and sometimes even a little arrogant. You care about more global things than what you can articulate.

3. You have high expectations of yourself and other people.

This can lead to difficult relationships and interactions in society. You see only the best and expect others to live up to the ideals that are invented.

To yourself, you can be ruthlessly self-critical.

4. You are too sensitive person

Indigo people see the world differently. Besides the fact that you have unshakable self-confidence, you often think that your path is the right one, you are 100 percent sure of it.

Often times, you are offended by the fact that others do not notice it. You clearly realize that if the world is ruled by Indigos, then all problems will disappear by themselves.

You are not the type to negotiate. And if something contradicts your views, you often rebel and criticize those in power.

6. You often want to go against someone

Difficult and rigid systems seem silly to you, and you often become antagonists. Breaking stereotypes and rules is all the prerogative of the Indigo children.

7. You are a creative and talented person

You are a musically and artistically gifted person.

You also want other people to see the world through your eyes, through the lens of art.

8. You are able to change something

Your perception of the flaws in society is so great that you can even change something. You are a great leader offering best practices for doing business, society and just being.

9. You are a lost soul

You feel uncomfortable with others and acknowledge that you are different from most people.

Often times, you tend to be a loner or a rebel, unwilling to compromise in order to fit within the framework dictated by society.

10. You are driven by something high

Since your soul is driven by high impulses and ideals, you always feel as if you always have to go forward.

You just need this movement.

11. You are passionate and always focused on something.

The hot and fiery temperament of Indigo children does not allow you to be calm, silent and abstract from the outside world.

12. You have psychic abilities

You have unusually strong psychic abilities.

While you don't see anything special in your abilities, it gives you an edge in your interactions with other people. You just read others like an open book and are able to understand who is wearing a mask and who is open and honest.

13. You are disappointed in many ways.

In addition to a great imagination, striving for the best, you are also endowed with the ability to easily become disappointed in society and the people around you who make serious mistakes.

Patience is a skill that indigo children suffer and needs to be developed.

 29.10.2011 13:57

Captain I Rank (Ret.), Chairman of the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Phenomena at the Russian Geographical Society of St. Petersburg Evgeny Petrovich Litvinov systematized information about Indigo children from the books "Indigo Children" and "Indigo Children-2" by Lee Carroll and Jen Tober. Holiday of Indigo Colors ”, presenting them in the form of a table. Carroll and Tober provide information on the genetic differences of indigo, and this is reflected in a review of the differences between indigo and common earthlings.

So here are the main features "Star children":

"They are not like us" - only they have an aura of INDIGO color - dark blue... They see each other well, they are determined from a distance by representatives of other worlds.

“Indigo children are an interplanetary phenomenon” - they are from other worlds, they have developed “cosmic thinking”; they have a lot of contact with aliens.

They study in night schools in other worlds. Sometimes learning happens through dreams. In their dreams they see cities of crystal, silver spaceships, night sky with two moons. Some people know where they and their parents come from ("the Cetus constellation", for example).

Indigo children are genetically transformed settlers - they often tell their parents who they were before and why they are here on Earth. They themselves chose their future mother ...

They "just know" what they cannot know from their life experience - from the statements of 2-year-olds: "I know that I am an indigo", "We are children of God", "... the present incarnation on Earth is the last for us ..."

They have high self-esteem - they call themselves "great." They come into this life with awareness of themselves - I quote: “I came back to learn and experience something new”, “teachers want me to be manually controlled, but I am actually automatic”, “and also I love myself because it makes me strong ”(at the age of 3).

They have a different physiology:

  • new blood group;
  • lower heart rate;
  • the range of electromagnetic oscillations emanating from the bodies of indigo children is from 3,222,000 to 11,350,000 Hertz (at an ordinary person three times less);
  • very high immunity - rarely get sick, AIDS does not work on them; but they all have a "poor concentration syndrome" with hyperactivity;
  • both hemispheres of the brain are equally developed;
  • they have a phenomenal memory;
  • out of 64 units of genetic information (codons) in humans, less than a third are involved (20), in indigo children, more than half (32 and more);
  • sleep a little; eat when hungry and what the body needs.

They have “ difficult character"Requiring patience and a special approach:

  • they want to see the results of their actions, actions - "here and now";
  • they enjoy everything that is unusual, unexpected, extraordinary;
  • they do only what they understand for what it is needed;
  • they do not respond to the tactics of instilling a sense of guilt and do not respond to coercion, notation, punishment, but respond well to respect for them as adults, as well as approval of their choice and evaluation;

Indigo children are socially significant:

  • they are peacemakers and came to this world to save it;
  • they are altruistic from birth, they have a well-developed sense of compassion;
  • for them the only acceptable attitude of action is LOVE and trust, and they are generous in this;
  • they are open and honest - and this is a manifestation of their strength;
  • they do not recognize absolute authorities, only freedom of choice.

These are children gifted from birth:

  • they have an innate ability to read the entire printed text;
  • by 1.5-2 years they have their own opinion on everything and everything;
  • they themselves choose the method and subject of education, preferring active, empirical and tactile ... (“I don’t want to go to college, I intend to study angels, stars and aliens”);
  • they are brilliant in painting, in music, in languages \u200b\u200band programming; they have an IQ of 120 to 130 and above (an average person has an average of 90-109);
  • they are wise: the 2-year-old looked into the orchestra pit to see his father and after a while uttered: "I will be like you a drummer - I hit it several times, and the money" flows "without interruption"; at 3 years old: "You are a letter, and I am an envelope," he says to a single mother about her admirers. When asked why? replies: “To read a letter, they take an envelope, but they tear it up and then throw it away”; at the age of 5: he kissed his mother goodbye (the wife was divorced), rubbed her cheek with his palm several times: “I want to rub it (the kiss) into my heart”.

Indigo children are technologically advanced children:

  • from 1.5-2 years old they are fluent in the remote controls and buttons of radio-electronic equipment, they easily learn the "logic" of electronic equipment;
  • they see and find more rational ways to do something at school and at home: at the age of 9, on a math test, a boy designed a computer circuit to “work without electricity or manual control” (from the sun and voice);
  • they are susceptible to safety knowledge.

Paranormal abilities of "star" children:

  • they are telepathically connected with the world from which they moved to Earth;
  • see colored glow of people;
  • they are discerning, “read you like a book,” read thoughts;
  • clairvoyants from birth and predict without tension;
  • they are very sensitive to energy and are able to pick up vibrations at great distances;
  • have an innate gift of healing, especially psychologically;
  • have a wealth of experience in "astral travel".

Features of the behavior of Indigo children:

1. They come into this world with a sense of their own greatness (and often act accordingly).

2. They feel that they are “rightfully here” and wonder if others do not share this opinion.

3. They have no doubts about their mission. They often explain to their parents “who they are”.

4. For them, there are almost no absolute authorities (which must be obeyed unquestioningly and unconditionally).

5. There are things that they simply do not want to do; for example, standing in line is unbearable for them.

They get lost when faced with systems that require observance of rituals and do not allow creative thought.

They often see the best (for themselves) way of solving problems both at home and at school, which is why they are perceived as “troublemakers” (unable to adapt to any system).

They seem uncommunicative if not in the company of their own kind. If there is no one around who possesses such a mentality, they often withdraw into themselves, feeling that no one in the world understands them. While in school, they sometimes have difficulty communicating.

They do not respond to "punishment upbringing" ("Wait, father comes home - he will ask you!").

They are not shy about communicating their needs.

Now I'm wondering how much more of these two lists of signs of indigo children, including crystal children, will grow when they are studied more closely. I think the list will expand - after all, we are just comprehending these children.

Indigo children. Talented, gifted, brilliant. Dynamic, hyperactive, uncontrollable. Open, loving, direct. Their aura glows purple-blue. They are able to process information many times faster than others. They baffle educators and educators, psychologists and psychiatrists. Generation of new inhabitants of the planet. Who are they, how to treat them and how to educate them? Indigo children are signs of their eccentricity. And how should parents behave with their phenomenal children?

The Indigo Generation - a Pattern or a Phenomenon?

Children with phenomenal abilities are the first swallows of the coming evolution of mankind

Why indigo? In 1982, American Nancy Ann Tapp, who possesses extrasensory abilities and has a special gift for perceiving the energy glow around the human body (aura), used this term for the first time.

She began to notice that the biofield of some newborn babies in its color sharply differs from the rest, golden. It is either dark blue or purple. Something in between these two spectra. Artists call this shade indigo.

They are creative and dynamic personalities.

Subsequently, it turned out that children with such a biofield are strikingly different from the rest of their peers. As in the plan psychological developmentand in the emotional sphere.

That could not but interest scientists. Since that time, the phenomenon of indigo children has been actively studied. Since they are born every year more and more. But an unambiguous answer to the question, what is the reason similar phenomenonuntil found.

There is a hypothesis that due to the increasing flow of information that our brain has to process, it evolves. And the Indigo children are the first messengers of this evolution.

They have unique abilities. They get to know the world intuitively, and not like we all - by trial and error. Along with a high level of intelligence, indigo children are characterized by hyperexcitability.

It is quite difficult to communicate with them at the level at which we are accustomed. They need a special approach. But how to recognize indigo in a child?

Video "Indigo Children - Who Are They?"

Signs from birth

Immediately after the birth of a child, no one will surely tell you whether he is endowed with some kind of phenomenal abilities or not. Unless a psychic is able to recognize an aura of blue-violet color. But by the age of two or three, it will already be possible to notice some features that distinguish indigo children from other babies.

Endowed with a very high level of intelligence

Indigo children love everything and everyone. Love is their main credo, "I will save the whole world!" is their main motto. They easily forgive offenses, protect the weak, and do not accept violence. Kind, generous, honest, noble. Therefore, many perceive them as "not of this world." Although, apparently, everything is rather quite the opposite.

The nuances of education

The unusual behavior of Indigo children of many parents leads to the conclusion that they are raising their child incorrectly. And if you use generally accepted methods, then, unfortunately, this is true. They are not suitable for rainbow children (they also call indigo so).

They cannot be limited by the framework of rules and dogmas. And don't blame their restlessness on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Channel their energy and talent in the right direction, and your little one will grow up to be serious. purposeful person... Or maybe he will reach unprecedented heights in his professional activity.

Yes, raising a genius is not easy. But parents are quite capable of creating conditions for the development of his extraordinary personality. The main thing is to contribute in every possible way to the realization of the child's abilities. What, in principle, are all, without exception, moms-dads, even the most ordinary children, do.

Video "How to Raise Indigo Children?"

Being a parent is a responsibility, it is work, it is happiness. To be the parents of an extraordinary child is an honor, a destiny, a destiny.