Pringity and cottage cheese for children up to a year - what and how much to give a child how to make a home? Cottage cheese, kefir and egg yolk in the child's nutrition: when and how.

Is it possible to give a child cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the delicious and extraordinary useful fermented milk products, which is due to the content of calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B 2, folic acid and kefir fungi in it. This product is one of the most important in the children's diet. Therefore, the question "Is it possible to give a child cottage cheese?" Does not get up even before inexperienced parents. In kids who eat cottage cheese in sufficient quantities, healthy teeth and strong bones are formed, the karapubuses arrive well in growth and weight. In addition, cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle, the liver, the nervous system and the exchange processes of the children's body.

At what age began to eat cottage cheese?

When a child can give cottage cheese as feeding, it depends primarily on the type of feeding crumbs. For up to 6 months received only maternal milk, they can try cottage cheese at 8-9 months. Artificities receiving various types of dust from 4 months, to get acquainted with cottage cheese can already have 6-7 months. But, both in one and in another case, cottage cheese enclosure is introduced after mastering the kid of juices, vegetable, fruit dust and silent porridge.

How to correctly enter cottage cheese lures?

Curd delicacy should be suggested to try for the first time only a healthy baby, no later than the afternoon room, and only when the Karapuz in the good arms of the Spirit. It is not necessary to introduce a new product three days before and three days after preventive vaccination. Actually, these rules concern the introduction of any new product into the diet.

How many cottage cheese can be given to a child?

With the first introduction of any product, including cottage cheese, the child needs to offer ½ - 1 teaspoon. Well, if the baby like the new taste. Then it should be carefully traced behind the reaction of the body of the small to the innovative product. If allergic manifestations did not follow, then you can continue to increase the portion. By one-year-old, the baby should eat 50 grams of cottage cheese daily. Sometimes for medical testimony, the pediatrician advises slightly increase or reduce the amount of curd dust.

Cook home cottage cheese or buy in the store?

On the shelves of shops today, a large selection of children's cottage cheese, cooked for babies before the year. Such a cottage cheerle is adapted to the need for a still immature digestive crumb system, has a consistency of thick sour cream and a delicate taste. As a rule, kids eat it with pleasure. By buying children's cottage cheese in the store, you should choose packaging with small storage time, the most recently by the date of production and without additives.

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An ideal option for the baby will be cottage cheese made from whole milk from home burenki.

Homemade cottage recipe is simple:

Boil 1 l. milk. Creame up to about 35 C o, add 50 g. Razvasi (a kefir is suitable, yield or sour cream). After a few hours, the milk will be sick in Prostokvash. Place the dishes on the water bath with the procurest and put on a slow fire. About 30-40 minutes. Cottage cheese will be ready. It remains only to quench serum. Homemade cottage cheese additionally need to grind in a blender. You can add berries or fruits.

No need to give a child as a dust of raw materials, stuffed with flavors and various additives, as well as "adult" cottage cheese.

The diet of the child already includes white vegetables and silent porridges. From the second half of the eighth month, the porridge can be done slightly, and vegetables do not beat, just warm by their fork. During this period, the baby should be accepted to a more hard food. The process of chewing has a beneficial effect on gums and teeth. Also, at eight months, the baby seeks to actively know the world and can already be introduced to him with a spoon and the shelter.

When drawing up a diet of an 8 month-old child, it is advisable to adhere to the councils of an experienced pediatrician. He will take into account many factors - on what nutrition is the kid, how the weight is gaining, how often an allergy or constipation occurs. Alone to navigate on this issue will help the publicly available table of the World Health Organization. It is recommended to arrange innovations during the daytime, no more than once a week. Prepare meals directly before use.

Until the year, the Karapuza is better drinking water or special herbal teas. If you still prefer store juices, then take the brighted and without sugar. Day rate no more than 70 milliliters. You can also cook the compote from dried fruits.

Than feeding eight-month-old baby

Permissible products for the child 8 months:

  • Puree from vegetables
  • Puree, fruit juices
  • Dairy products
  • Lean meat, fish
  • Egg yolk
  • Cookies, bread

Vegetable puree for the eight-month-old child is preferable to prepare from zucchini, pumpkins, carrots, broccoli and cauliflower. The use of potatoes is also allowed, but in combination with other vegetables so that its share does not exceed 1/3. Suggest a crumb of vegetables daily for lunch. Powance volume - 150 - 170 g

If before that time you met the silent porridge, then it's time to add a dairy option to the diet. Start with buckwheat, corn or rice, and then enter oatmeal and multislach. It is ideal for breakfast, the size of the portion is 150-120. The semolina, the peashed and pearl barrier at this age is still too early.

In second dishes, put 3-5 grams of cream or vegetable oil to improve the taste and provide the required amount of useful fats. But with salt standing up to the year, while kidney baby is not ready for such a load.

Meat is a source of a huge number of vitamins and minerals. You can prepare a single-component mashed potature of low-fat varieties. The best choice is the rabbit, beef, lean pork, venison. You can mix it with the familiar vegetables. The meat is required to clean the fat, lived and films, boil and crushed a couple of times in the meat grinder. Then the crushed product must be wiped with a sieve. If you buy ready-made meals in the jars, then carefully read the composition and give preference to meat puree without additives. Adding potato starch and spices increase the likelihood of allergic reactions. Start acquaintance with meat with 2-3 grams, gradually aroused up to 30.

Do not boil meat broths to the year. When cooking into the broth, substances are distinguished that can have a negative impact on the rapid organism. The optimal solution in this case is a light vegetable soup in which you can add some greens.

Some children do not tolerate the components of cow milk, in such a situation will have to abandon veal. Also, often allergies cause a chicken.

Fish is a table of useful substances. It contains omega3, vitamin D, amino acids and trace elements that play an important role in the development of the body. Many pediatricians recommend introducing it into a diet of the child from 8 months. Fish is a perishable product, because approaching her choice should be responsible. Choose low-fat varieties - pike perch, heck or cod. After cooking, carefully remove all the bones and chop fillet in the blender. The maximum allowable portion - 20-30. Allergies fish dishes are contraindicated to the year.

Some doctors recommend cottage cheese and kefir, as the first stage of the dust. But, as a rule, they are brightened to nine months. Cottage cheese can be prepared at home with a solution of one-thorough kefir or calcium chloride solution. It is necessary that the dairy products appear in the menu everyday, best for dinner. Start acquaintance follows from cottage cheese without fruit fillers, gradually increasing the portion until 40 g

At eight months, yolk boiled eggs appears in the children's menu. Start with 1/8 of the part and bring to 1/2. The reared yolk is added to the finished dish or slightly diluted with breast milk. In the absence of allergies, it can be consumed twice a week.

With fruit juices and puree of a little gourmet recommend to get acquainted last. The above products have a higher nutritional value. Introducing the fruit into the diet of 8 monthly karapuses, preferably from a spoon of apple juice or apple baby food. Gradually, juice can be brought to 50-70 ml, and puree up to 50-70. Citrus and exotic fruits offer early. And pear, peach, apricot, prunes will be quite appropriate.

If the crumbs have already appeared front teeth, you can treat it with bread or special cookies. It quickly softens in the mouth, however, closely follow the baby so that he does not favor. Bread is recommended to give exclusively white. The daily dose of flour products in the nutrition of 8 month old baby should not exceed 5 grams.

Food mode and approximate menu for day

From the very beginning of the introduction of feeding parents, it is important to establish the correct mode of food intake. The health of the Karapuza depends on this, and it is also very convenient for parents. Feeding should be carried out at equal periods of time - it is normal about 4 hours. With this approach, the kid eats 5 times a day, and the volume of food consumed is 1000-1200 ml.

Approximate menu for the day:

  • In the morning (6 am) and before bedtime (10 pm) - breast milk or a mixture (200 ml)
  • Second breakfast (10 am) - porridge (150 g), yolk (no more than 2 times a week), fruit puree (40 g), breast milk or mixture (50 ml)
  • Lunch (14.00) - vegetable broth (30 ml), puree of vegetables (150 g), meat puree (30 g), juice, mixture or breast milk (50 ml)
  • Dinner (6 pm) - kefir (50-100ml), cottage cheese (30 g), breast milk or mixture (50 ml)

Observe the mode so that the crumbs have developed a habit of feeding healthy foods, and its body has received all the necessary nutrients in the most favorable time to absorb time.

In the first year of his life, the kid goes from liquid food to solid. Most babies after six months begin to try many different products. The task of parents during this period is to acquaint crook with new tastes, but to do it correctly and safely. Let's wonder what products are recommended to include in the diet of eight-month-to-karapuse and how to make up the menu on them on them.

What products additionally can be introduced into the diet?

The main product that is trying in eight months of infants on any form of feeding is meat. It serves as a source of valuable amino acids, vitamins, fats, mineral salts. The meat is added to vegetable dishes, as well as in the water cooked on the water. The optimal choice will be low-fat meat, for example, chicken, turkey, veal.

In 8 months, the kid will get acquainted with many new tastes

The second product that begins to give from 8 months is wheat bread. The first portion of the baby should be a piece of bread not more than 5 grams.

In addition to meat, the eight-month-old baby on breastfeeding begins to try such products:

  1. Butter . Usually it is added to Pitch.
  2. Fruit juice. It is given after any meal.
  3. Children's cookies and crackers. They can be given together both with porridge and with fruit puree.

A child on artificial feeding, as well as a croching, whom Mom introduced a bait before 6 months due to lack of milk, in 8 months can be started to give fermented dairy products. It can be a children's yogurt or kefir without additives. Such products can be prepared at home with your own hands or take in dairy kitchen.

Calculate your dust introduction table

Specify the birth date of the child and the way of feeding

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 27 27 Jan 29 January 31, January 31, October 2013, June 2019 2017 2017 2015 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000

Shape calendar

If parents follow the recommendations on the introduction of feeding from Dr. Komarovsky, then by eight months their child has long tried kefir, cottage cheese and porridge. In 8 months, the popular pediatrician advises to expand the menu due to the introduction of porridge, vegetable oil, fruit puree, yolk, steaming meat and fruit juice.

Breast milk (mixture) should remain in the child's diet for a long time

How much should the kid have to eat?

The total daily meal for the eight-month-old child can be calculated by weight of the baby. To determine how much food is required by the kid of this age per day, its mass is divided by 8 or 9.


The eight-month-old child, as in 7 months, remains 5-meals a day - a daily child eats in the afternoon five times with breaks between feeding up to four hours.

The power mode depends on the toddler temperament, deviations from generally accepted norms are very often

Sample menu

A child who up to 6 months of age was fed solely with a breast, in 8 months the menu will look like this:

At the seven-month kid, who began to acquaint with their bait in 4-5 months of age due to the small amount of breast milk at the mother, the daytime menu will be like this:

The child on artificial feeding the menu at the age of eight months will look like this:

The child, who began to acquaint with their lure, taking into account the recommendations of Komarovsky, the menu at 8 months will be:

Although the eight-month-old kid eats quite large portions of the dust, completely refuse to feed the child with breast milk or a mixture. It is worth leaving breastfeeding for breastfeeding and evening feeding, and during the day to give crumbs only hard food, which, however, many kids prefer to drink with mother's milk.

Recommendations for entering new products are only a guideline, do not perceive them too seriously

  • Task in this age can be cooked both on milk and on the water, adding a dairy mixture into a finished product or milk milk. The eight-month-old baby can offer cereals from several cereals. Fruits and children's cookies can be added to Pakasha.
  • Eight-month-old children can no longer grind in mashed potatoes, but to knead and give in the form of a soup, an escape of a child to chew. In such a soup, you can add meat, yolk, oil.
  • To enter into the diet of the child, chicken meat must be carefully because it is an allergenic product.
  • Prepare for baby dishes need every day to give the crumb only fresh food. To facilitate the life of a mother can use ready-made children's porridge and mashed potatoes.
  • For most children, the teeth are actively cut at eight months, so the child will gladly gnaw drying or crackers.
  • Buy the child a beautiful dishes and give the baby soups from a deep plate, second plane dishes, and drinking from a mug. Do not forget to encourage the child's desire to eat independently and regularly give the baby a spoon so that he trial to wrap it with this dotna.
  • If the child refuses any new products, do not insist, but continue to offer a new dish.

Since the child is becoming more and more active, many parents think about vitamins for a child up to a year. Do they need, read in our article.

Cottage cheese is not all adults, most often this relationship comes from childhood. Perhaps once forced the child to use the product in a large amount or introduced it incorrectly. It is very important to produce competent and timely acquaintance. It is from the adequacy that the attitude of the attitude towards the curd and the benefits, which he carries the child organism.


The benefits of cottage cheese for a growing body

Curl contains calcium, which is necessary for normal bone growth, teeth health. It is for this purpose that it is most often introduced in lord in the first year of life. The product is remarkably absorbed, quickly processed, does not cause gravity and discomfort in the rapid stomach.

Other useful properties:

  1. Cottage cheese contains a full-fledged protein. This means that it presents the necessary amino acids, without which the growth of muscles, bones, functioning of internal systems is impossible.
  2. The product contains vitamin A, which is important for the development of vision.
  3. Local bacteria will help to normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, get rid of constipation.
  4. Vitamin D will become an excellent prophylaxis of rickets, useful for the musculoskeletal system.

All these beneficial properties are inherent in only a natural and high-quality product. It is impossible to buy cottage cheese for feeding on the market or use common counterparts made from restored milk and vegetable fats. They do not carry any value.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky on fermented milk food in the child's nutrition

Optimal age for cottage cheese

According to the established rules, the familiarity of the child with cottage cheese is carried out in the first year of life at the age of 8 months. Often on packing with finished food you can see the mark 6+. Yes, the product can be given to the child earlier. Most children are well perceived at a semi-annual age, but for premature dating should be indicated:

  • the child is poorly gaining weight;
  • rahit or there is a predisposition to it;
  • low hemoglobin level, anemia;
  • lack of calcium in the body.

In some cases, the testimony is artificial feeding. If the milk or children's mixture does not cover the need for a growing organism in the valuables, you can offer a new food in 6-7 months.

Important! Until six months, it is impossible to enter cottage cheese in the children's diet! To fully provide the digestive system with the necessary enzymes of the pancreas can only after 6 months.

Rules for introducing a new product

New food can not be introduced to the child during the disease, before or after vaccination, during the breaks of teeth or with other problems. Mothers will be difficult to track the reaction of the children's body, since at any moment the temperature can rise, indigestion or diarrhea may appear, the mood will deteriorate.

How to correctly enter cottage cheese in lord:

  1. Postpone the right amount of product in a bowl, warm to warm state. Better to do it in a water bath.
  2. The size of the first portion should not exceed 5. By the end of the week, the number increases to 25 g. By the year of life, the one-time portion is 50 g.
  3. If the taste did not like it, it is allowed to add a little fruit or vegetable puree to the dish, but provided that the baby is already familiar with them.
  4. With a stubborn refusal of the new food, you need to re-return to dust in a few days. Gradually, the kid will get used to taste in the language, the acquaintance will definitely take place.

No need to give the product daily. Enough 2-3 times a week. But at the dating stage, you can offer 2 days in a row, as a portion of microscopic, and the open packaging is stored in the refrigerator exactly day. Throwing a pack without 0.5 h. Cottage cheese is unreasonable. According to the testimony of the children's pediatrician, the use of cottage cheese daily, if a child has rickets or other health problems requiring additional vitamins and calcium.

What cottage cheese choose

Until the year of life in the diet of the child, it is desirable to use the product of industrial manufacture. It has the necessary consistency, proper fatty, soft taste. In addition, control in the production of baby food is much higher than on ordinary dairy plants.

When choosing it is desirable to give preference to the natural taste. If he does not like the child, you can add any puree or fresh fruit, berry. Curds with fillers and sugar are offered to children later. According to the recommendations of pediatricians, it is desirable not to give them to children before one year.

Homemade cottage cheese for children

This is not about homemade cottage cheese, bought in the market at the thrush. This product can be very dangerous. Many mothers prefer to do a dish for their chod on their own. There are a number of reasons for this: there is no opportunity to buy baby food, dubious quality, cost. For the preparation of cottage cheese, only high-quality dairy products are used.

Recipe for calcined cottage cheese

Milk - 200 ml
Calcium chloride solution - 2 ml

If the milk is unpasteurized, then boil, cool, add calcium, stir. Repeated on the stove, warm, but it is not necessary to bring it before the hot state. In the colander to bed rolled in 4 layers of gauze. Drain the rolled milk on the fabric, leave for the flow of serum.

Recipe for children's cottage cheese of milk and sour cream

Milk - 300 ml
Sour cream 10% - 2 tbsp. l.

Heat milk to 50 ° C, add sour cream to it, stir. You can use our procure or ripper, cottage cheese will be less fat. The dishes cover, wrap something warm and leave for 5-6 hours. Separated mass to merge on a sieve or in a colander with gauze. Leave for serum separation.

Tip! The higher the temperature of the milk, the land gets cottage cheese. To obtain a gentle and soft consistency, it is important not to overheat the product.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about dairy kitchen, kefir and homemade cottage

Possible harm

With the intolerance of milk and fermented milk products, cottage cheese can cause serious harm to the child organism. Swimming and increased gas formation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash on face and body are only a small part of possible health problems. That is why, with the introduction of dust, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the child, his mood, behavior and chairs. At first signs of intolerance from cottage cheese, it is necessary to immediately refuse.


  • kidney problems;
  • stool violation;
  • diseases of the stomach.

It is important to closely monitor the shelf life. It is a cottage cheese very easy to poison. When buying a product on a hot season, you need to cut to a minimum time of the path from the store to the house. If suspicion of the quality of the purchased children's meal appeared, then give her child undesirable.

The kid who achieved a half-year-old age, most often meets the real "adult" food. In addition to breast milk or an artificial mixture, the baby offers vegetable and fruit purees, silent and gluten-free cereals, cookies. The most popular buckwheat and oatmeal, zucchini, cauliflower, homemade cottage cheese. From seven months, the child learns what carrots, butter, bread, yogurt. Upon reaching the eight-month age, the diet is expanding with yolk, meat, dairy products and fruit juices, sometimes fish. We define the features of dust for 8 months.

At eight months, the child's lucky is not so meager, as at the beginning. It can be diversified by many products that are important to know the mammy

The main principles of Prikorma

What each mother should know, expanding the nutrition of his son or daughter:

  1. The lure of 8 months should begin gradually. Each product should be launched with minimal quantity to determine whether the crumbs have an allergic reaction or individual intolerance. For this reason, at the beginning, dust preferred hypoallergenic zucchini, cauliflower and buckwheat porridge (we recommend reading :).
  2. To despair and clean the new product from the diet, which categorically did not like the child at the first tasting, is a parent error. The little man has not yet learned to recognize and perceive different tastes. Take patience and offer a product five, ten times.
  3. Monocomponent lore. Giving one day for the first time mashed potatoes and peach juice, or every day to acquaint your baby with a new product - a mistake.

The lore does not imply the displacement of one of the conventional kid feedings. Offer an element of the attachment of the hungry child, to the main feeding, but do not replace them with breast milk or an artificial mixture. Just reduce the volume of milk consumed.

It is clear that with breastfeeding it is harder, and it is easier for artificials, because they can measure the volume of water consumed in a bottle. Let's lure up to three times a day. The perfect period for the introduction of a new product is morning or day. The correct scheme and the regimen of the feeding in combination with the main food of the kid per day:

  • milk or mixture;
  • porridge with butter, yolk, milk or artificial mixture;
  • vegetable puree with meat and vegetable oil, milk or mixture;
  • fruit puree or juice, milk or artificial mixture;
  • milk or mixture.

If a child wakes up at night from hunger, Mommy can move the feeding of porridge at the evening, so that the crude is to sleep. In the interruptions between feeding, you can give a child to cheeky bread, Sukharik or cookies. The main thing is not to overdo it with snacks, so as not to spoil your appetite before the main meals.

You can give lures on the night (pitch) or dinner so that the kid can relax well after eating

What products is it time to give?

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Determine which products can be offered to a child in 8 months. It should be noted that food consistency should be soft, liquid. Welded vegetables and fruits leak up for a fork or make a puree with a blender. Salt and sugar in food is still impossible. New products and its norm is given in Table:

Features of the introduction of products

You can do vegetable puree yourself, but you can buy ready-made baby food. Purchased options are much more expensive, but you can be sure of the product of a well-known company, while vegetables purchased on the market can be competed by nitrates. It is best if you have your own garden. You can make soup - dare a few kinds of vegetables, already familiar to the child, in a small amount of water, then remove the cooked vegetables, frowk for a fork and add a bit of vegetable broth.

Oils in the diet of the child must be introduced carefully, because they load the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas and the liver. Creamy oil add to dairy porridge. From vegetable oils, choose olive unrefined, it is the most useful and hypoallergenic.

Fruit mashed potatoes and juices, in an amount of two times less than vegetable. Fruits often cause allergies, so do not hurry to inform the kid with delicacies for the season or purchased jars. Strawberry, strawberries, red currants, grapes, cherry and cherry are still prohibited (we recommend reading :). Prefer less allergenic apricots, raspberries, apples and bananas.

From fruit you can try to use Apricot. It is important not to give the child the fruit and red berries

The most specific product that is entered from 8 months is an egg yolk. It can cause severe allergies and is seriously digested. For the first time you need to give the baby a few crumbs of boiled yolk to look at the body's reaction. If everything is in order, increase the portion. The final dose of yolk for an eight-month-old baby is half, added to a vegetable puree, in pure form usually do not like to eat it.

We introduce dairy and flour products

Suggest your crumbling sour milk, which will help balance the intestinal microflora, as Komarovsky believes. An excellent option is kefir, better cooked independently or taken in children's dairy kitchen. An eight-month-old child can already up to 200 ml of fermented daily product per day. It is allowed to offer crumbs of 5 g of grated cheese of solid varieties and 15 g of degreased cottage cheese per day. It is prohibited to offer sour cream baffles.

Another new product is flour. This is usually white bread or special children's cookies. Note that the cookie can cause allergies because it is sweet. For children-allergies, the usual white bread is suitable, slightly dried. Such a bass will especially like the baby, because he will help him to hire itching in the gums because of the teething teeth. The kids up to a year are very loved to unwind bread.

We enter meat

Many pediatricians advise meat from eight-month-old age, because this is an indispensable source of amino acids, iron and vitamins. Meat gives a fortress, the strength to grow and develop both physically and mentally. It can be veal, turkey, chicken, rabbit, low-fat pork. Choose the wildest, fresh and homogeneous parts of the carcass.

Meat in jars must be carefully checked for shelf life and composition

The first meat is usually with difficulty introduced into the kid's diet, because it is characterized by a specific consistency and taste. Mom has to go for tricks and tricks to introduce meat products into the diet of the crumbs. The basic rules for entering meat at 8 months:

  1. Start with a minimum dose - a third of a teaspoon. In the absence of allergies, bring the daily dose to a complete tablespoon.
  2. You can add meat puree to vegetable, delicious combination of potatoes, zucchini or broccoli with meat (we recommend reading :).
  3. Meat mashed potatoes, which moms make themselves, are usually dry and children eat it with great difficulty. Much appetizing purchased jars with mashed puree. Carefully choose baby food in the store, check the expiration date. See, whether the cover did not fall as far as a homogeneous puree inside the jar.
  4. If you make meat puree at home, then comply with certain rules, do not hurry and do not cook as you do for adults. First, extinate a chopped piece of meat in cold water to come out all the blood. Then miss the meat grinder several times or rub the blender. In the resulting mass there should be no chevlakov, tendons, lumps.

The introduction of meat in the menu 8-month crumbs is necessary for children on artificial feeding. They do not get so much useful substances like babies that feed on breast milk.

The crumbs on the GW can wait until the year, as some modern pediatricians believe. They are enough for vegetables and fruits, yolk, fermented and flour products, as Dr. Komarovsky believes.

We introduce fish

Introduction of fish to children up to the year in our latitudes is not very accepted. Quietly low-fat fish with white meat offer children after reaching six months in India, Italy, France and Australia. Domestic pediatricians consider this product too allergic and unsafe to introduce it into an ration of eight-month children. However, the choice remains after mom, especially, the departments of baby food will die with all sorts of options for children's preservation with fish.

Fish in the menu is a source of useful substances, first of all, phosphorus, iodine, potassium, vitamins D, RR and E. The least allergenic suitable for the beginning of the dust is a sea fish, for example, heck, cod and fluster. In second place there is a river fish - trout, a thick carp and pike perch. In no case do not suggest the baby red fish and fatty varieties, it is possible only after one and a half years.

Heck is one of the most suitable species of fish, which will perfectly complement the diet of the crumbs

Fit with the mind

It must be said that these recommendations are approximate and adopted in modern pediatric practice. A few more generations ago, mommies were not particularly thought about what kind of food, in which volume to grams and when to the months to offer their child. Rastered to the keshitz-shaped consistency of borsch, fresh white bread in unlimited quantities, sour cream, berries and fruits from their own garden and garden - this is what the diet of the village children century ago, so sometimes fed and now. A similar "Dedovsky" method of education of children is suitable if the baby does not have congenital diseases, genetic deviations, does not suffer from any kind of allergies, grows in the fresh air, otherwise the consequences can be deplorable.

The most nutritious and important food for infants is milk. To refuse him to reach a one-year-old age, it is impossible, even if this mixture, according to Dr. Komarovsky. The baby is characterized by an inconsected, easily traumatic intestinal microflora, vulnerable to pancreatic iron, and the milk is digested easier.

  • Translate your child on adult food gradually, slowly learn to hold a spoon, drink from a drink, and not a bottle.
  • Cut the baby is not on hand, and behind the common table, putting on a special.
  • Try to feed the Chado with an unloved product with a distraction for cartoons, fairy tales, songs and games - often used, but an incorrect method for small makers. Take a child from the earliest years to the fact that the adoption of food is the necessary and pleasant ritual, which should be done with positive emotions, concentrating on what lies on a plate, and not transmitted on TV or flashes on the computer monitor.
  • Buy the baby his own set of dishes, let her be with the heroes of his beloved cartoon, then the crumble will be more interesting to achieve everything to the end to see the picture at the bottom of the plate.